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Woman found to have 10cm worm beneath conjunctiva

๐Ÿชฑ Woman found to have 10cm worm beneath conjunctiva๐Ÿชฑ

๐Ÿ˜ฒ In a shocking a rare case, a woman in her 30s from Karnataka, India, experienced redness, pain, and a foreign body sensation in her left eye. Upon visiting an ophthalmology clinic, she learned that these alarming symptoms were due to a 10cm โ€œslender, whitish nematodeโ€ beneath her conjunctiva.

After a slit lamp examination revealed a worm-like mass beneath the superior bulbar conjunctiva, surgeons removed the worm under topical anaesthesia, using aseptic precautions. Microbiological tests identified the worm as a 10cm long Dirofilaria repens, a parasitic nematode typically found in animals like dogs but rarely un humans.

Thanks to prompt medical attention, the worm was successfully removed, and the patient is expected to make a full recovery. This rare care highlights the importance of seeking professional help for persistent eye discomfort and underscores the need for thorough medical examinations.