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Our Candidates

If you are interested in any of the candidates in our database, please click on their individual links or contact us to find out more.
Global Product Manager πŸ“ Netherlands
βœ“ Responsible for surgical equipment (cataract/VR) portfolio worth €70M, alongside €75M for...
βœ“ Launched several new products including software, surgical instruments and collaborated wi...
βœ“ Gather, analyse and interpret clinical data to develop product improvements across: custom...
Product / Marketing Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for marketing, communications and medical across the US, Canada & LATAM.
βœ“ Developed and launched a successful global digital clinical platform to support surgeons a...
βœ“ Responsible a marketing budget of $500K+ for a businesses with revenues of $20M - $150M.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Certified optician with experience in optical lenses and contact lenses.
βœ“ Achieved up to $700K per year in eyewear sales.
βœ“ Achieved a 92% increase in sales within the first year, ranking as the top sales performer...
Sales Manager LATAM πŸ“ Brazil
βœ“ Grew a business from 0 to $3M USD in sales in 9 years.
βœ“ Managed 15 distributors in 10+ countries across LATAM.
βœ“ Managed a direct sales team for Brazil of 18 reps and 5 international distribution support...
Global Sales & Marketing Director πŸ“ Spain
βœ“ Grew sales from €27M to €84M in 10 years across hospitals, optical retail, e-commerce and...
βœ“ Oversaw a global market with 120 distributors across Europe, US, LATAM, Asia, MEA and open...
βœ“ Lead a team of 50 people across commercial functions.
National Account Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed a $7.5M in eyewear sales and managed accounts including Walmart, Sams Club, Nation...
βœ“ Led a team of 16, driving 30% business growth in 5 years.
European Commercial Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Currently managing an international eyewear business worth Β£85M in turnover, which has inc...
βœ“ Also managing a team of 9 direct reports across sales and marketing, as well as an indirec...
βœ“ Previously managed an eyewear organisation across Northern Europe worth Β£20M+ as well as t...
General Manager, Americas πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for a portfolio including ophthalmic and optometric diagnostics and consumable...
βœ“ Restructured distribution channels in Canada and LATAM after a merger, which generated $30...
βœ“ Responsible for $50M in revenue and a $9M profit with a team of 90 people.
Professional Affairs and Medical Affairs & Education Executive πŸ“ France
βœ“ Professor of Optometry and Optics.
βœ“ Manages 3 teams (25 FTEs) across professional affairs, medical affairs and post-market sur...
Regional Sales Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed 10+ states across the Midwest and Northeast and teams of up to 18 sales reps.
βœ“ Grew eyewear sales from $4M to $9M in 5 years and previously managed sales up to $8.5M.
βœ“ Won numerous presidents club and leadership awards.
Manufacturing General Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed a headcount of 250 employees, including hiring 35 new staff while reducing attriti...
βœ“ Ran an optical lab with 6k jobs per day including lens cutting edging finishing and assemb...
βœ“ Is a master at Six Sigma Blackbelt which he used to achieve 85% labour efficiently improve...
Sales Rep & Key Account Manager πŸ“ Italy
βœ“ Grew sales revenue from €1M to €5M within 4 years.
βœ“ Previously responsible for 190 customers and 3 key accounts with a total turnover of €3M.
Marketing Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Leads brand marketing, content marketing, and trade show strategy, including budgeting and...
βœ“ Successfully launched 10 products within 3.5 years.
βœ“ Works with a portfolio worth $300M.
Regional Sales Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for $17M in revenue which he has grown by 9% in 1 year.
βœ“ Leads a team of 14 sales representatives.
βœ“ Previously managed 2,500 accounts, 11 brands, and over 35 direct reports.
Head of Marketing UK&I πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Directed a 5-year strategic business plan, to grow the UK&I business from c.$164M to c.Β£25...
βœ“ Led a 10-member marketing team with 2 direct reports.
βœ“ Responsible for a successful EMEA product launch strategy for a new multifocal lens.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Most recently responsible for sales of a glaucoma device across London and surrounding are...
βœ“ Has previously managed a territory of over Β£2M, alongside managing key accounts.
Vice President of Manufacturing & Operations πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Oversaw operations for 8 manufacturing sites, optical labs and distribution centres for a...
βœ“ Managed 9 site GMs and a total headcount of 500 – 1,000 employees.
βœ“ Reduced spoilage from 6% to under 3% in 3 months and increased profitability by 13% YOY.
Vice President of R&D πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Achieved 10+ FDA and international approvals for products he developed including IOLs, Con...
βœ“ Led a team of 55 employees of which he hired 15.
βœ“ Optimized budget allocation by identifying $7M in cost savings within a $72M budget.
Senior Operations Executive πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for $35M+ in service / refurbish revenue with YOY growth over 25%.
βœ“ Managing 50 field service techs and 30 operation staff.
βœ“ Previously started up a 125,000 SF manufacturing / distribution centre with 150 members of...
Sales Representative πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Qualified Optometrist with several years in practice.
βœ“ Previously managed Β£2M London territory with 8% year on year growth.
βœ“ Managed a home counties territory which she grew from Β£800K to Β£1M in revenue.
Clinical Research and Applications Specialist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Certified ophthalmic assistant.
βœ“ Monitored and maintained compliance, data collection, clinical protocols, and documentatio...
βœ“ Conducted practice development and clinical training on ophthalmic / optometric diagnostic...
Clinical & Medical Affairs Manager πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Managed 12+ international sites for Phase III / IV ophthalmic trials with 5 studies approv...
βœ“ Has a 100% success rate in gaining approval on marketing claims on phase 4 studies she’s w...
Global Commercial & Operations Director πŸ“ Netherlands
βœ“ Grew the business to $5.3M in revenue by adding 12 new distributors across North America,...
βœ“ Leading teams of up to 16 employees across Commercial, Marketing, Customer Service, Produc...
βœ“ Qualified optometrist with 10 years of experience in practise.
General Manager France & Commercial Director Europe πŸ“ France
βœ“ Managed a €3M sales portfolio and led a team of 8, while establishing a new Business Unit...
βœ“ Oversaw and grew a €3.5M contact lens business by 30% in 2023.
βœ“ Directed sales across more than 10 countries, including Romania, Bulgaria, Scandinavia, Ru...
Global Marketing Director πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Achieved a revenue increase from €6M to €37M within 13 years across wholesale, retail, fra...
βœ“ Managed a marketing budget of €1.8M and a team of 20 marketeers and e-commerce profession...
βœ“ Led the expansion into the US and Mexican markets by opening multiple new stores.
Northwest US Sales Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently managing $5.1M in optical lenses sales, which he has increased by 30% in 2 years...
βœ“ Qualified dispensing optician.
βœ“ Previously sold $400K across WA, OR, ID, MT, AK, and WY in optical instruments, edgers and...
General Manager / Managing Director Germany πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Responsible for €30M in sales and doubled revenue from one division from €5M to €10M.
βœ“ Managed a total headcount of 100 FTEs, of which he hired 25% of them.
PA & NJ Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Sold up to $3M, of which he increased by $1.1M in year 1 and $860K in year 2.
βœ“ Has won presidents club 4 times and has also been a field sales trainer.
βœ“ Won a multimillion-dollar optical account with 60+ locations.
Sales Representative πŸ“ Denmark
βœ“ Previously achieved sales in her territory worth €800K per year.
βœ“ Qualified Optometrist (practiced for 5+ years).
Asia/Pacific Eyewear Sales Manager πŸ“ Hong Kong
βœ“ Responsible for €50M in eyewear sales across 1,200 optical stores and handling many of the...
βœ“ Managing a team of 17 sales reps across 12 countries including China, Australia, Japan, Ta...
βœ“ Increased their direct distribution from 2 to 10 boutique stores.
US Director of Sales πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for $90M P&L, including $75M surgical revenue and $15M OPEX budget.
βœ“ Managing sales operations for the entire US, consisting of 30+ direct reports.
βœ“ Created a partnership with another surgical company that secured a $12M contribution over...
Sales, Clinical Applications & MSL Professional πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Grew sales revenue from €300K to 2M in 18 months.
βœ“ Hired, trained & managed teams of 5+ reports.
βœ“ Launched products across Germany, Austria & Switzerland.
Eyewear Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Built her eyewear territory (NM, TX, CO, AZ, NV) from $250K to $550K in 2 years and won pr...
βœ“ Previously sold $2.5M worth of lenses in 1 year, alongside training clients teams on how t...
βœ“ Grew the store from $0 to $1.5M within 8 years, while managing 8 employees.
Senior Clinical Research Associate πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Managing clinical studies and trials (phase III & IV), previously participating in over 30...
βœ“ Responsible for an IOL study and managed 6 sites across Europe with 200 patients.
Head of US Key Accounts πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for a team of 7 Key Account Managers.
βœ“ Managed a sales budget of $500M where she had a 18% growth Y1 and 16% growth Y2.
Midlands & East Anglia Sales Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Drove direct sales, delivered training, and managed product launches for new market entrie...
βœ“ Managed relationships with over 300 practices.
βœ“ Grew sales revenue from Β£780K to Β£1.6M within 3 years.
Global Marketing Executive πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed $1M+ marketing budgets for eyewear brands worth $75M+.
βœ“ Leading a high-performing team of 5 marketeers.
βœ“ Successfully launched 15+ new ophthalmic lenses.
International Education & Training Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Developed and delivered over 40 training programs, including an eLearning platform, succes...
βœ“ Responsible for developing training / upskilling programmes for workforces across Europe,...
βœ“ Previously held regional sales manager role leading a team of 10 sales reps in Poland mana...
Sales Director for Inside / Telephone Sales Teams πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed a team of 50 FTEs for an ecommerce / online contact lens sales division.
βœ“ Increased online sales by $41M in one year by helping Optoms stay connected with their pat...
βœ“ As Global Training Director, developed and implemented a comprehensive training curriculum...
Head of Europe πŸ“ France
βœ“ Responsible for all operations including, sales, marketing, customer service, pricing, fin...
βœ“ Responsible for €40M in sales which he increased by over 10% .
βœ“ Responsible for a headcount of 100+ people across 7 direct sales subsidiaries, as well as...
Marketing & Business Development Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for marketing and launch for an AI diagnostic solution across Europe and Asia,...
βœ“ Managed a $2.5M marketing budget and a headcount of 3 people.
Clinical Application & Sales Rep πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Certified ophthalmic technician with 10+ years of clinical experience in ophthalmic practi...
βœ“ As a clinical applications specialist she was responsible for training surgeons and their...
βœ“ Grew sales of ophthalmic diagnostics from $785K to over $5M in 4 years.
Business Development & Product Manager πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Responsible for a team of 5 clinical specialists for a business worth €7M, which she has g...
βœ“ Qualified Optician.
βœ“ Launched several new IOLs and refractive devices.
International Business Development Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Previously managed a network of 20-30 distributors across the US, Canada, South America, U...
βœ“ Consistently drove YOY sales growth by 23-25%, growing revenue from Β£80M to Β£220M.
βœ“ Responsible for several international contact lens product launches as well as training an...
National Sales & Account Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Managed national contact lens sales of Β£6M with a team of 10 salespeople, many of which he...
βœ“ Won major branded and private label business with Vision Express, Specsavers, Boots and Ne...
βœ“ Previously managed a network of 20-30 distributors across the US, Europe, South America, R...
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Increased sales revenue from $500K to $1.5M in 2 years for a small optical lens and prescr...
βœ“ Previously in eyewear covering Long Island, Brooklyn and Queens territory and achieved sal...
National Service Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently responsible for a national service organisation including a team of 35 and a ser...
βœ“ Is also responsible for service sales including maintenance contracts worth $12M, which he...
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently selling ophthalmic pharma products and is ranked top 5% in the company with $6.2...
βœ“ Previously sold ophthalmic diagnostics to over $1.5M per year.
βœ“ My contact has an excellent KOL network across account including Houston Eye Associates, B...
Sales Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Has managed a team of 15+ people including direct sales team for the US, an international...
βœ“ Responsible for a $60M ophthalmic diagnostic business where he achieved double digit growt...
βœ“ Working with 150+ distributors across Europe, Middle East, APAC, LATAM.
Chief Commercial Officer πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Has been responsible for a global ophthalmic business worth over $1B.
βœ“ Experienced in fundraising and leading start-ups, having gained FDA approval for a drug wh...
βœ“ Built a team from 3 to 150+ in just 2 years.
Vice President of R&D and Procurement πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Responsible for a €40M R&D budget for a business worth over €1B in which he has been respo...
βœ“ Managing 200 R&D reports across sites in Australia, Germany, China, India & Mexico.
βœ“ For procurement he managed a €600M spending budget, which was used for purchasing negotiat...
Clinical Affairs & Medical Marketing Manager πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Currently responsible for 12 clinical trials across Europe, Middle East and LATAM for IOL’...
βœ“ Manages 4 CRA’s and CRO partners with a clinical affairs budget between €500k - €1.5M per...
βœ“ Responsible for medical marketing using post market studies and evidence generation and ha...
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Has sold over $500K in ophthalmic surgical instruments, surgical equipment and biologics.
βœ“ Achieved growth of 24.5% to 68% between 2021 to 2024 in her territories.
βœ“ Grew active accounts from 3 to 11 within 3 years.
Head of Marketing πŸ“ France
βœ“ Currently leads all marketing efforts, working cross-functionally with a total team of 60,...
βœ“ Previously managed €50M in revenue across three integrated brands.
βœ“ Successfully grew global sales revenue from €16M to €25M.
Clinical Research Associate πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Currently responsible for 3 post market clinical trials in Germany for IOLs across several...
βœ“ Manages the €700K clinical budget for Germany.
βœ“ Played a key role in several post-market clinical studies for IOLs and Viscoelastics acros...
Global Vice President of Sales & Marketing πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Directed a team of over 1,000 employees, overseeing regional Vice Presidents along with VP...
βœ“ Managed €550M in revenue, driving a 9% increase in sales and 12% EBITDA.
βœ“ Led the development and successful launch of a new myopia product.
Territory Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently manages a southern California territory selling a diagnostic device into optomet...
βœ“ Sold $500K in contact lenses and dry eye products and finished in the top 10% of reps in t...
βœ“ Has also managed a territory of $10M for an optical distributor which she increased by 9.8...
Clinical Affairs & Medical Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Qualified ophthalmologist (retina specialist) who has practised for over 10 years and has...
βœ“ Responsible for phase III trials for a retina drug with over 1,500 patients across 300 glo...
βœ“ Is an expert on AI diagnosis of retinal imaging.
Marketing Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for marketing predominantly in the UK but also successfully launched products...
βœ“ Responsible for 2 direct reports who oversee UK operations.
Sales & Marketing Manager Nordics πŸ“ Sweden
βœ“ Responsible for a Nordic business worth €50M in sales (+10% YOY growth), with a team of 6...
βœ“ Successfully launched a new lens which was sold in 600+ practises within 3 months.
βœ“ Has also been a European marketing manager with responsibility for a €1M marketing budget...
UK & European Marketing Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Previously responsible for the marketing activities of a portfolio worth Β£32M, which she h...
βœ“ Previously managed a team of 3 direct reports.
βœ“ Delivered Β£18M in sales and increased market share from 16% to 20% within 2 years.
Head of Service Support & IT πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Managed an international service, support and IT team with up to 40 employees for a busine...
βœ“ Grew service revenue from €5M to €20M.
βœ“ Responsible for all aspects of IT including hardware for the entire company and installing...
Senior Sales & Marketing Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently overseeing a $95M ECP marketing budget.
βœ“ Led the marketing efforts for a retinal disease treatment, with a revenue of $420M.
βœ“ Managed a team of 20+ members across sales and marketing.
Regional Sales Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ P&L responsible for eyewear sales of up to $10 Million per year.
βœ“ Grew sales by 25% in 2020.
βœ“ Hired, trained and developed teams of over 25 sales reps.
Ophthalmic Pharma Sales Rep πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Grew his ophthalmic sales from $1.2M to $2.7M in one year and built great relationships wi...
βœ“ Previously managed a territory consisting of 7 states.
Marketing Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Achieved 8-12% growth YOY for a cataract portfolio worth 75% of Β£50M sales revenue across...
βœ“ Previously responsible for international marketing and training across Europe, USA, South...
βœ“ Has managed teams of up to 3 product/training managers.
Commercial & Operations Board Level Executive πŸ“ United States
βœ“ As CEO, managed 80+ employees across sales, service, marketing, operations, logistics, sup...
βœ“ Responsible for $80M+ in global sales and achieved record double digit 12.4% profit growth...
βœ“ Launched 2 new products within the first year with 5 new products to the R&D pipeline.
Key Account Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ As National Account Manager grew sales from Β£0 to Β£600K in the optical channel.
βœ“ Previously as a Territory Manager increased sales revenue from Β£18K to Β£300K within 3 year...
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Consecutively been over 110% - 140% to target, along with being part of a successful prod...
βœ“ Achieved 3rd District & 4th National ranking out of 21 representatives in 2020.
Clinical Affairs Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for projects across regulatory, CMS, data management, safety management and in...
βœ“ Experience managing multiple clinical studies across, EU & Latin America with up to 45 sit...
βœ“ Experience conducting clinical trials for Glaucoma & Retinal diseases
Sales Director France & Africa πŸ“ France
βœ“ Grew sales revenue from €3M to €5M in 4 years.
βœ“ Leading 4 direct reports, alongside being responsible for 40+ distributors across France &...
βœ“ Won 5 new contracts which helped achieved 11% company growth.
International Vice President πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Responsible for €100M in top line revenue.
βœ“ Managing a team of 6 sales executives, the sales admit team and 85 distributors worldwide.
βœ“ Previously in charge of $90M of P&L, which he increased from $60M in 8 years.
Global Regulatory Affairs Manager πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Expert in CE Mark, FDA, NMPA, MDSAP, MFDS, INMETRO registrations and approvals across 80 c...
βœ“ Managed a RA budget of €600k and a team of 4 RA specialists.
βœ“ Conducted registrations for Class I, Class IIA, Class IIB & Class III medical devices.
Vice President International Marketing πŸ“ France
βœ“ Managed a large marketing team with a portfolio including both lenses and frames.
βœ“ Managing a €19M marketing budget, for a business worth €500M.
βœ“ Created and executed marketing strategies across 8 countries.
Vice President of Operations πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Grew eyewear sales revenue in independent optical, key account and boutique/department sto...
βœ“ Built and managed a team of 6 regional managers, alongside hiring 20+ brand ambassadors ov...
βœ“ Speaks English & Spanish
LATAM / North America Regional Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed team from 5 up to 100 people.
βœ“ Previously increased direct and distributor sales from $16M to $48M across LATAM within 5...
βœ“ Speaks English, Spanish & Portuguese.
Marketing Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previously managed a $100M portfolio, contributing to an IOL product launch that achieved...
βœ“ Has been a part of 13 successful product launches, driving launch strategies and digital...
βœ“ Experienced in a portfolio including: IOL & Dry Eye.
Midwest Regional Sales Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for 10+ sales representatives across 9 states.
βœ“ Previously managed a territory worth over $5M.
βœ“ His team ranked number 1 in national sales growth for 2022 and 2023, for several products.
Head of IT Business Operations / Sr. Director of IT πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Leading the management of a $100M IT budget for a company worth $2B.
βœ“ Managed a team of 40+.
βœ“ Oversaw the finance planning and forecasting budget, alongside the whole cyber security an...
Global Medical & Clinical Affairs Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Qualified Ophthalmologist (practise for 10+ years).
βœ“ An investigator and medical monitor in over 30 clinical trials.
βœ“ Managed $2M budgets and teams of up to 6 MSLs.
National Sales Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently managing several direct reports while leading a sales team of 20+, targeting the...
βœ“ Previously responsible for $0 - $15M in sales revenue within 4 years.
βœ“ Built a sales team of 9 west coast sales reps.
Vice President Sales & Operations / US General Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Running a team of 5 people including sales, service, marketing, RA and operations, alongsi...
βœ“ Responsible for a business worth $40M, including managing the integration of a new company...
βœ“ Experienced in a portfolio including: OCT, Auto Refractors, Edgers & Finishes, Slit Lamps.
Vice President of Marketing πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Built a marketing team of 6 people from scratch.
βœ“ Led the launch of a contact lens product which achieved $10M in sales in 3 years.
βœ“ Previously led a team of 12+reports and a $12M marketing budget to support a $500M portfol...
Global Head of Product Management πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Achieved 11% sales growth YoY for total sales of Β£60M in less than 2 years.
βœ“ Managed and built a team of 4 direct reports, one of which was US based.
βœ“ Experience in a portfolio including: Digital solutions, slit lamps, ocular tools, eye ultr...
International Sales, Marketing / Business Development Manager πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Managing €9M in international sales revenue which she has increased by over $3M.
βœ“ Responsible for 9 large distributors across LATAM, Russia, Middle East, North Africa & Asi...
βœ“ As marketing/brand manager, managed a luxury eyewear portfolio worth €40M in revenue.
Director of Marketing πŸ“ Spain
βœ“ Responsible for €3M in sales revenue and a turnover of €80M.
βœ“ Managing 10+ direct reports.
βœ“ Previously increased revenue from €1M to €10M within 3 years.
Regional Account Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Consistently grew his territory by 20% each consecutive year for 5 years.
βœ“ Previously responsible for 3 direct reports.
βœ“ Increased sales revenue from $1.9M to $5.1M within 4 years.
Country Sales Manager Germany πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Managed IOL sales of €25M, which he increased by 6% each year.
βœ“ Built a sales team of 25+ people.
βœ“ Grew the business from 11 to 18 employees and over €5M in sales for Healthcare IT systems...
International Marketing Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for a €1.5M marketing & events budget.
βœ“ Responsible for marketing for a €40M eyewear business.
βœ“ Managed up to 10 direct reports.
Optical Sales Consultant πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previously responsible for 25 contracts worth $300K within the contact lens business.
βœ“ Managed 16 optical stores worth $39M.
βœ“ As a general store manager achieved $3.2M in sales.
Marketing Executive πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Helped grow the business from $200M to $400M in revenue within 3 years.
βœ“ Managed a €80M marketing budget.
βœ“ Oversaw a team of 30+.
Clinical & Medical Affairs/Education Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Full budget responsibility worth $9M for global medical education activities that covered...
βœ“ Lead a team of 20+ direct reports.
βœ“ Previously managed commercial & medical teams, overseeing UK revenue of Β£75M.
Healthcare IT Engineer πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Experience with the following technologies: PACS, SQL, HL7/DICOM and Cloud.
βœ“ Responsible for installing, configuring and upgrading software for optical & ophthalmology...
βœ“ Responsible for database management and backup.
Global Marketing & General Management Executive πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Launched a new diagnostic device and image management software solution utilising AI, resu...
βœ“ Managed teams of up to 70 people.
βœ“ Previously helped grow the UK subsidiary to Β£8M in sales, winning major contracts with pub...
Commercial Director France πŸ“ France
βœ“ Responsible for French ophthalmic business worth €130M (8% YOY growth).
βœ“ Managing a total headcount of 60 peoples across sales, market access, launch readiness, op...
βœ“ Also has international leadership experience across Eastern Europe, Russia & MEA.
EMEA Marketing Specialist πŸ“ France
βœ“ Directed the planning, execution & launch of successful marketing campaigns for EMEA count...
βœ“ Assisted in a successful product launch where she created the campaign and go to market st...
Senior Marketing/Strategy Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previously responsible for a $10M marketing budget and $7M medical education budget.
βœ“ Hired, trained and developed 5 direct reports.
International Commercial Director πŸ“ France
βœ“ Sales results: Managed revenue of $600M annually, with growth of up to 3%.
βœ“ Marketing results: Planned & successful launched 2 drugs.
βœ“ Team Leadership: 40+ people across multiple disciplines.
Director of Clinical Operations & Medical Affairs πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently working on phase III and IV trials.
βœ“ Previously managed a budget of $20M for phase III studies, involving 30+ studies with 600+...
βœ“ Previously managed 10 direct reports.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for $625K in eyewear sales revenue.
βœ“ Qualified optician.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previously managed a territory worth €1.5M, which he grew by 67% in 3 years.
βœ“ Successfully launched multiple new products to market.
European Sales Director & General Manager Benelux πŸ“ Netherlands
βœ“ Responsible for €20M+ in sales revenue, across direct sales and European distributors.
βœ“ Previously managed teams of 10+ employees.
βœ“ Previously responsible for a contact lens business worth $30M+.
General Manager Spain & Portugal πŸ“ Spain
βœ“ Grew sales revenue from €3M to €12M within 2 years.
βœ“ Managed a team across sales, marketing, operations & finance of 30 professionals.
βœ“ Previously increased sales by 38% in 1 year and managed sales of up to €18M.
Sales Director EMEA πŸ“ France
βœ“ Managed a total revenue of €150M.
βœ“ Responsible for a €60M business turnover, while managing a €300K marketing budget.
βœ“ Previously managed 25 distributors.
National Sales Manager πŸ“ Australia
βœ“ Expanded the business from 10M AUD to 13M AUD within 1 year.
βœ“ Managed a team of 5 direct reports.
βœ“ Previously responsible for a $44M Vision Care portfolio.
Eyewear Marketing Director EMEA πŸ“ France
βœ“ Currently managing a trade marketing budget worth over €10M for an eyewear business worth...
βœ“ Responsible for managing marketing teams of 10+ people, across DACH, Iberia, Italy & Franc...
βœ“ Involved in the successful product launch of several luxury eyewear brands.
Key Account Manager πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Achieved sales of over €2M per year, covering a north Germany territory.
βœ“ 10 years of experience in ophthalmology sales.
βœ“ Worked with both medical devices and pharmaceuticals for front and back of the eye.
Business Development Manager & Country Manager Canada πŸ“ Canada
βœ“ Built a sales team for surgical ophthalmic devices from 0 to 7 reps covering the whole of...
βœ“ Responsible for delivering $0 to $10M CAD in 5 years.
βœ“ Speaks fluent English and French
Global Head of Marketing πŸ“ France
βœ“ Responsible for marketing for an eyewear portfolio worth €50M+ with a multimillion-euro ma...
βœ“ Increased one eyewear brands sales by 33% in 2 years.
βœ“ Increased profitability by 45% in 2 years to reach a double digit % EBITDA.
Sales Director πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Based in Germany and open to extensive travel.
βœ“ Responsible for a European eyewear business worth €50M as well as a total headcount of 100...
βœ“ Implemented a location reorganization strategy that saved costs of €1M.
Clinical Research Associate πŸ“ Spain
βœ“ Overseeing the entire clinical area of the company, working closely with the medical advis...
βœ“ Involved in a study spanning over 8 sites, consisting of 100 patients at each location.
βœ“ Qualified Optometrist
Territory Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently ranked in the top 12% of US sales representatives for 2024.
βœ“ Has launched three different ophthalmic products.
βœ“ 1 out of 10 selected nationwide to test out a new analytics system, training his whole dis...
Account Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently managing a territory worth $7.5M.
βœ“ Previously grew a territory by $1M within a year, totalling $5.5M.
βœ“ Previously managed 15 people.
Senior Regional Sales Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Increased sales revenue from $32.5M to $40.5M within 3 years.
βœ“ Manages a team of 7 sales representatives across 3 states.
βœ“ Previously achieved over $10M in total sales.
Clinical Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Sees on average 16-20 patients per day in an optical clinic where she uses OCTs, visual fi...
βœ“ Experience in glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, working alongside surgeons.
βœ“ Previously a clinical director at a LASIK clinic where she oversaw daily operations and co...
IP Clinical Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Sees around 12-15 emergency eye casualties per day, diagnosing and treating ocular conditi...
βœ“ Experience in all anterior and posterior conditions, glaucoma, and dry eye.
βœ“ Remotely triages patients and deals with any queries in her senior role.
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Made around Β£1million in sales for a store in a year and has a conversion rate of 70-80%.
βœ“ Previously a personal development tutor in her store where she tutored pre-registration op...
βœ“ Experience in conditions such as macular degeneration, dry eyes, and glaucoma.
Medical & Clinical Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ CEO for his own company where he grew the revenue of the business from 0 to 3 million a ye...
βœ“ Has 11 physicians directly reporting to him and leads a multidisciplinary team.
βœ“ Responsible for the operations and direction for all medical activities in the organisatio...
Tele-Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Overachieves targets by seeing 190+ patients a week and is licenced in 27 states.
βœ“ Awarded optometrist of the month for the highest patient retention and satisfaction.
βœ“ Experience in diagnosing macular degeneration, YAG laser capsulotomy, and suture removals...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialises in cataracts surgery, medical retina, and uveitis.
βœ“ Proficient in anti-VEGF therapy, PDT, and micro pulse lasers.
βœ“ Completed over 6000 cataract surgeries, including cases of complex uveitic cataracts.
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Tests 20 patients a day with a conversion rate of around 70-80% in an optical store.
βœ“ Previously achieved over Β£6k+ worth of sales in one day.
βœ“ Experience in conditions including macular degeneration, retinal detachments, and papilled...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Tests 10-15 patients a day and has the highest conversion rate of 70% in the store.
βœ“ Experience in pathologies and emergency referrals alongside cataracts, glaucoma, and macul...
βœ“ Proficient in using OCTs, phoropters, and is CUES qualified.
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently sees around 15-20 patients per day in an optical clinic.
βœ“ Experience in diagnosing and advising patients with AMD, retinal detachments, and corneal...
βœ“ Assisted the training and supervision of first year optometry students.
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Experience as a senior refractive optometrist doing pre and post ops for laser eye surgery...
βœ“ Involvement in preparing for surgery, using dilating drops, and marking where incisions ar...
βœ“ Sees 18-20 patients a day testing at 25 minutes in optical chains, using phoropters, oct s...
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Specialises in scleral and gas permeable lenses for management of anterior segment disease...
βœ“ Involved in myopia management, dry eye management, and orthokeratology.
βœ“ Experience in managing and treating glaucoma, macular degeneration, and corneal dystrophie...
Practice Integrations & Operations Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Integrated and onboarded 9 new ophthalmology practices including 27 providers and 235 staf...
βœ“ Successfully directed two $1million+ new clinic sites and was responsible for budgets and...
βœ“ Experience in executing post-merger synergy plans alongside operational due diligence.
UK General Manager, European Commercial Executive πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Recently grew an optical lab and optical group from Β£900K to Β£1.3M in 1 year.
βœ“ Previously responsible for Β£700M in sales, a total headcount of 500+ people and a network...
βœ“ Has also grew a contact lenses business from Β£900K to Β£2.4M in less than 2 years.
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Has a 65% conversion rate and sees approximately 18-20 patients per day.
βœ“ Previously achieved Β£2k worth of sales in an optical store in one day.
βœ“ Tests a variety of age groups and has experience with red eyes, floaters, and flashes.
Regional Director of Operations πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for 9 ophthalmic practices and ASC’s with a revenue of over $50million.
βœ“ Currently oversees 43 direct reports and leads a team of over 250 indirectly.
βœ“ Increased underperforming locations revenues by $3million in 4 months.
Optical Store Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Grew the revenue of an optical practice from $900k to $1.5 million in 6 months.
βœ“ Responsible for the management and recruitment of the team of 7 employees.
βœ“ Monitors and sets KPI’s for her team, ensuring all targets are met.
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Experience in full binocular vision exams and patients with brain injuries causing visual...
βœ“ Can identify macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetes and provides low visi...
βœ“ Conducts home visits for eyecare to those who are unable to attend the clinic.
Marketing Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Manages a marketing team of up to 6 people for a private ophthalmology group.
βœ“ Responsible for a marketing budget of over Β£750k which she utilised, achieving a new enqui...
βœ“ Achieved an 18% ROI on advertising spend in 2023 and grew web traffic for refractive surge...
Operations Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Experience overseeing 250+ staff in 8 ophthalmic clinics with revenues of $40+ million.
βœ“ Implemented schedule optimisation which increased refractive revenue by 30% in 2 years.
βœ“ Reduced overall expenses by 22% after doing a complete financial analysis of each practice...
General Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Grew the group from 2 to 20 practices in less than 5 years.
βœ“ Increased the turnover of the business from less than Β£1 million to over Β£12 million.
βœ“ Responsible for 16 direct reports, and up to 130 total headcount.
Operations Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed up to 4 clinics which conducted Cataracts, Retina, and Glaucoma surgery.
βœ“ Has been responsible for 30+ people for non-clinical and clinical operations.
βœ“ Created a network of 40 local optical practices to drive patient referrals.
Optical Store Director & qualified optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Part owner of an optical store with an annual turnover of over Β£3 million and 30 direct re...
βœ“ WOPEC assessor and Pre-Reg Academy facilitator, helping individuals achieve goals.
βœ“ Turned around several underperforming stores and recently transformed a non-profitable opt...
Director of Sales & Marketing πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Manages teams of 10+ sales & marketing staff across 3 cataract/refractive clinics.
βœ“ Increased patient conversion rate from 50% to 70% (+20% sales growth)
βœ“ Increased leads and patient flow using marketing techniques: rebranding, digital & print m...
Regional Sales & Operations Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently manages 30+ stores across the Southeast and has 60+ direct reports.
βœ“ Increased revenue by 3% in 2023 to $22.5M.
βœ“ Delivered positive growth and increased profit for 5 years in a row.
Optometrist & Orthoptist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Currently practicing in an optical store in Glasgow, where he sees an average of 15 patien...
βœ“ Converts 73 patients into sales on average, overachieving regional targets.
βœ“ Specialises in the monitoring of AMD, Glaucoma, Uveitis and Cataract.
Marketing & Buying Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Supporting 130+ cataract/refractive clinics with patient marketing campaigns.
βœ“ Decreased no show rate by 2% which increased revenue by over $1M.
βœ“ Procured eyewear for 24 locations and reduced overall inventory costs by 23% in two years....
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently managing over 150 accounts.
βœ“ Responsible for a $5.8M territory, which he has grown by 8%.
βœ“ Previously managed accounts that exceeded $750K in annual revenue.
Marketing Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for a $15M marketing budget & $8M in sales revenue.
βœ“ Manages 115 trade shows annually.
βœ“ Previously managed a 20-person team & projects spanning 12 functions with 75+ people.
Global Sales Manager πŸ“ Italy
βœ“ Increased sales revenue from €40,000 to €4M within 5 years.
βœ“ Previously had 9 agents reporting to her.
βœ“ Speaks English, Italian & French.
National Sales Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for 8 direct reports.
βœ“ Previously grew sales revenue by $300K and gained 15 new accounts.
βœ“ Responsible for a nationwide team of Regional Account Managers, driving 300%+ surge in cap...
Vice President of Europe πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Achieved €42M in global sales revenue.
βœ“ Managed 50+ direct reports.
βœ“ Part of 2 product FDA approvals, alongside starting up 2 aesthetics companies.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managing a territory consisting of 5 states.
βœ“ Grew sales from $0 to $225K in the first 11 months of a new role.
βœ“ Hired, trained, led and coached a team of 6 speciality ophthalmic reps to top performance.
Senior Vice President of Commercial, Marketing & Sales πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Launched an ophthalmic product to $50M in sales in 3 years.
βœ“ Lead and managed a commercial team of 80+ people.
βœ“ Marketed for a global ophthalmic pharma portfolio worth $600M, which he helped grow by 26%...
Marketing & Professional Affairs Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Trained surgeons in trials on how to use devices.
βœ“ Previously managed a global product portfolio valued at $50M.
βœ“ Took part in a successful product launch, where the product was sold in over 60 countries.
Commercial & Operations Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Leads a team of 12 direct reports and 40 sales agents.
βœ“ Managed sales of up to $11M and grown sales by $2M in 3 years.
βœ“ Manages a network of 12 distributors across LATAM.
Sales Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Achieved a revenue of Β£1.3M in eyewear sales & Β£500K+ in lens sales within a year.
βœ“ Increased eyewear sales by 10.2% within a year.
βœ“ Previously responsible for 9 direct reports.
Sales Representative πŸ“ New York City, United States
βœ“ Sold into both ophthalmology and optometry channel.
βœ“ Presidents club winner and consistently ranked in the top 30% of reps.
βœ“ Experienced in a portfolio including: Glaucoma, Dry Eye, Conjunctivitis & Amniotic Tissue.
EMEA Marketing Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Previously responsible for the marketing activities of a portfolio worth Β£32M, which she h...
βœ“ Previously managed a team of 3 direct reports.
βœ“ Delivered Β£18M in sales and increased market share from 16% to 20% within 2 years.
Sales Representative πŸ“ New Jersey, United States
βœ“ Responsible for $450K in sales revenue within a year.
βœ“ Currently responsible for 10 states.
βœ“ Exceeded annual quota at 126% to goal.
Clinical Operations & Training Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Oversaw 45+ ophthalmic clinics and surgical centres across several South Atlantic states.
βœ“ Manages 27 direct reports and 100+ staff while managing to reduce staff turnover by 15%.
βœ“ Increased premium IOL sales by over 75% across her clinics.
Account Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previously in charge of a $5M revenue, which she increased by $3M in 1 year.
βœ“ Qualified ophthalmic technician.
Senior Marketing Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managing a $500K marketing budget.
βœ“ Responsible for increasing sales by 20% YoY since 2019.
βœ“ Currently managing 8 direct reports.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Achieved a $290K revenue in eyewear sales within a year.
βœ“ Brought on 10K+ new customers within a few months.
βœ“ Previously conducted revenue sales to increase over a period of 1 year to $400,000.
Regional Training & Clinical Affairs Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for managing 6 states & a team of 10 clinical trainers.
βœ“ Supporting a region that is responsible for 60% of the company revenue.
βœ“ Previously worked in practise as a lead ophthalmic technician.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for managing 700 accounts.
βœ“ Drove 60%+ growth within a year, contributing to Β£600K in revenue.
βœ“ Led the top-performing region in the UK.
Global Marketing Manager πŸ“ Turkey
βœ“ Currently responsible for a €700K marketing budget.
βœ“ Responsible for manager over 30 distributors across Europe, CEE & Asia.
βœ“ Previously managed a $1M marketing budget.
Global Strategic Marketing Director πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Responsible for 4 direct reports.
βœ“ Part of a successful drug launch which is worth $8B.
βœ“ Previously lead the success of a treatment drug, generating Β£100M per year in the UK.
Vice President of Vision Care πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Responsible for €1B in revenue.
βœ“ Manages 10 direct reports with a total headcount of 700 people.
βœ“ Previously managed sales, marketing & medical affairs across 13 countries.
International Sales Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for a sales revenue of $2.5M.
βœ“ Manages direct and indirect sales across 20 countries.
βœ“ Previously responsible for a purchasing budget of $30M.
Commercial Director EMEA πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Exceeded target with 88% sales growth within a year.
βœ“ Previously responsible for a $100M revenue.
βœ“ Previously managed a team of 26 reports across 4 teams, including marketing, KAM’s and pro...
Sales Representative πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for a territory worth Β£1.5M, which he has grown from Β£500K.
βœ“ Supports the training function and has carried out over 200 training sessions within a yea...
βœ“ Has worked with premium, sports and affordable eyewear brands.
Head of Marketing & Product Management πŸ“ Portugal
βœ“ Responsible for a €700K marketing budget.
βœ“ Helped to increase sales revenue by 7.5%, totalling €20M.
βœ“ Previously responsible for managing 7 direct reports.
International Sales Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for a $23M sales revenue.
βœ“ Previously responsible for 36 distributors across 100 countries.
βœ“ Was responsible for 80% of the total company revenue within 1 year.
International Marketing Director πŸ“ France
βœ“ Responsible for delivering a 70% increase revenue in direct markets within 2 years.
βœ“ Previously managed a €2.4M marketing budget for a business worth €160M in revenue, along w...
βœ“ Covered the following regions for direct & indirect sales: EMEA, US, Latin America & Asia.
National Sales Head πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently responsible for 6 direct reports and leading a 400+ total headcount.
βœ“ Leading US sales for a business worth $2B business.
βœ“ Previously responsible for $80M - $90M in revenue.
General Manager πŸ“ Austria
βœ“ Responsible for the marketing and commercial operations of a business worth $2.5B.
βœ“ Responsible for a $14.2M marketing budget.
βœ“ Previously responsible for a team of 250 people.
Vice President Sales & Marketing πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently manages 12 direct reports, totalling a headcount of 400+ people.
βœ“ Previously responsible for profitability, operations, and patient care for 200 clinics.
βœ“ Previously managed a Β£200M revenue budget.
Managing Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Increased sales revenue by 35% in 6 years, from $65M to $100M.
βœ“ Managed 12 direct reports, with a total headcount of 80 people.
βœ“ Previously managed services covering 12 NHS trusts.
Commercial Sales Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Grew sales revenue from 0% to 10% of the total UK business within 3 years.
βœ“ Previously achieved over Β£20M in sales revenue.
βœ“ Has previously managed a sales budget of Β£2.5M and 21 direct reports.
Regional Director Benelux and DACH πŸ“ Belgium
βœ“ Achieved 6% growth YoY, for a business worth €185M.
βœ“ Managed a total headcount of 150 people.
βœ“ Previously managed a pharma and contact lens business worth €90M.
Vice President Sales & Marketing πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Increased sales from €500K to €3M in 4 years.
βœ“ Secured distributors in Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
βœ“ Responsible for 7 direct reports and a total headcount of 25.
Director of Marketing πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Grew revenue from $0M to $70M in 5 years.
βœ“ Managed 7 product launches across her career.
βœ“ Responsible for a marketing budget of $2M+.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Increased territory rank from 74 to 9 within a year.
βœ“ Achieved a market share of 5.3% , showcasing a growth rate of 73%.
βœ“ Surpassed 100% quota attainment for six products during their launch.
International Sales Manager Asia πŸ“ China
βœ“ Increased revenue from $500K to $10M in 7 years across APAC & Europe.
βœ“ Previously grew a IOL business by 20% YOY across APAC
βœ“ Specialised in key distributor markets including, China, Japan & Korea.
Vice President / Director of R&D πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for securing and managing funding exceeding $3.5M.
βœ“ Managing preclinical and phase I, II & III clinical studies in the US & EU.
βœ“ Conducted toxicology studies and prepped trial documents and protocols for FDA submissions...
UK General Manager, European Commercial Executive πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Recently grew an optical lab and optician group from Β£900K to Β£1.3M in 1 year.
βœ“ Previously responsible for Β£700M in sales, a total headcount of 500+ people and a network...
βœ“ Has also grew a contact lenses business from Β£900K to Β£2.4M in less than 2 years.
Vice President of Operations πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed an operational budget of $16M, including clinical & medical affairs.
βœ“ Lead a cross functional team of up to 40 employees.
βœ“ Managed global medical device studies across phases I to IIII.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managing a north-eastern territory worth $3.1M per year.
βœ“ Previously managed national sales worth $50M.
βœ“ Also lead a team of 41 sales representatives.
Principle Scientist Ophthalmology πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Served as Principle Investigator and co-investigator for six IRB approved clinical ophthal...
βœ“ Currently leading the design and optimization of an artificial cornea project, which has p...
βœ“ Managed 3 to 4 direct reports on various projects.
Regional Sales Manager, Europe & Asia Pacific πŸ“ Netherlands
βœ“ Currently leading and managing a team of 5 people.
βœ“ Previously responsible for growing sales from €2M to €30M - €40M.
βœ“ Previously managed distribution and direct sales channels with over 200 partners in Europe...
Eyewear Sales & Key Account Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Leading 15 account executives managing 1,900 active accounts with an annual net volume of...
βœ“ Previously managed a team of 25 direct reports.
βœ“ Previously responsible for sales growth from $10M to $20M within 5 years.
European Marketing Consultant πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Grew sales revenue from €300K to €2M in 18 months.
βœ“ Responsible for managing small teams and training 8 direct reports.
βœ“ Participated in numerous product launches.
US Clinical & Commercial Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Hired, trained, and managed teams of 10+ sales/clinical staff.
βœ“ Responsible for the management of the entire US Northeast, covering 13 states.
βœ“ Direct P&L responsibility totalling $13M-$15M.
General Manager France & Commercial Director Europe πŸ“ France
βœ“ Responsible for a €7M turnover in diagnostics.
βœ“ Managed a contact lens business worth €3.5M, which he increased by 30% in 2023.
βœ“ Managed teams of up to 8 sales reps & 30 distributors.
Director of Sales MEA ASIA πŸ“ India
βœ“ Responsible for the increase in sales from $5M to $8.2M.
βœ“ Responsible for managing 4 direct reports.
βœ“ Responsible for 90 distributors across Asia, Oceania, India, APAC, Middle East & Africa.
National Vice President Sales & Marketing πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for increasing sales by 36% in 1 year.
βœ“ Responsible for a sales revenue of $100M.
βœ“ Previously responsible for a direct sales team of 30+ head count.
European Sales Manager πŸ“ Greece
βœ“ Responsible for revenue growth from €6M to €7.2M within 1 year, across 13 distributors.
βœ“ Managed a team of 7 national sales representatives.
βœ“ Expanded the business to 9 new countries within the EU & North Africa in 11 months.
Optical Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for managing a territory worth $750K in revenue.
βœ“ Previously responsible for doubling the number of accounts, opening 40 more.
βœ“ Previously managed a territory that was mismanaged and increased its revenue to €400K.
International Marketing Director πŸ“ France
βœ“ Responsible for delivering a 70% revenue increase in direct markets within 18 months.
βœ“ Managed a marketing budget of €400K to support a business worth €33M.
βœ“ Previously managed 4 direct reports, including product & marketing managers.
Sales Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Recently responsible for a sales revenue of Β£13M for an optical lens business.
βœ“ Previously a direct line manager for a team of 35 staff members.
βœ“ Previously responsible for delivering consistent over market growth of 11%.
Clinical Affairs & Application Executive πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for a clinical affairs budget of Β£3M for a phase I to III clinical trial.
βœ“ Responsible for onboarding 8 new clinical trainers, plus a clinical operational team.
βœ“ Qualified optometrists.
Executive Sales & Strategic Accounts Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for overseeing a sales portfolio of $200M.
βœ“ Achieved an 11% growth rate, attaining a performance level of 105% against the yearly targ...
βœ“ Previously responsible for managing 8 direct reports and over 100 sales representatives.
National Marketing Manager πŸ“ Poland
βœ“ Supported business growth from €5M to €25M.
βœ“ Responsible for a customer & key accounts marketing budget totalling €200K.
βœ“ Currently leads a team of 3 project managers.
Senior Sales & Marketing Executive πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for €64M in sales revenue in 2023.
βœ“ Responsible for a total headcount of 55 people.
βœ“ Managed a marketing budget of €1.1M for a business worth €1.1B.
US National Sales Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Drove a +177% revenue growth from $1.3M to $3.6M within one year.
βœ“ Managed a corporate enterprise business account portfolio of $33M.
βœ“ Proven channel growth of $5M+, +20% year over year, doubling accounts.
Vice President of Global Marketing πŸ“ France
βœ“ Drove revenue from €200M to €400M, while being responsible for a headcount of 20-25 FTES.
βœ“ Generated a revenue of €100M from a product he launched.
βœ“ Grew operational margins from 6% to 13% in 3 years.
Nordics Key Account Manager πŸ“ Denmark
βœ“ Achieved & exceeded sales targets, generating €6.9M in revenue.
βœ“ Previously increased turnover YOY, with a growth rate of +25% & annual revenue of €8.2M.
βœ“ Responsible for the launch of multiple successful products.
European Sales Manager πŸ“ Italy
βœ“ Currently managing a sales network of 52 reps across Europe.
βœ“ Responsible for managing a sales business worth €20M in revenue.
βœ“ Responsible for regions including, Italy, Spain, UK, France & Portugal.
Nordics Sales Director πŸ“ Denmark
βœ“ Currently managing a contact lens business in the Nordic region worth over $55 million.
βœ“ Managing a team of 18 including sales representatives, KAM’s and sales manager’s.
βœ“ Previously managed digital projects and e-commerce for a contact lens business.
Senior Marketing Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently managing a marketing budget of up to $7M.
βœ“ Supported an ophthalmic pharmaceutical business worth $100M.
βœ“ Based in the US and open to relocation.
Chief Manufacturing Officer πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for a $50M operational budget for a business worth $300M.
βœ“ Responsible for 7 direct reports & a total headcount of 300 people.
βœ“ Speaks English, Chinese & Japanese.
Commercial Director & General Manager πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Responsible for growing sales from €71M to €104M, resulting in a 44% growth in 4 years.
βœ“ Responsible for a total headcount of 60 people.
βœ“ Launched new products across Germany, Austria & Switzerland.
LATAM Sales & Marketing Director πŸ“ Brazil
βœ“ Responsible for starting a Brazilian, Colombian, Mexican & Argentinian subsidiaries.
βœ“ Responsible for 14 distributors across central America, south America, Spain & Portugal.
βœ“ Previously managed a business of $5M USD and currently grown a business from $1M USD to $4...
US National Sales Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Achieved $94M in revenue YTD, which was a 34% increase in YOY sales.
βœ“ Secured national contacts, increasing CGM market share by 23%.
βœ“ Responsible for a total headcount of 20 people.
APAC Marketing Executive πŸ“ Singapore
βœ“ Launched a new IOL in APAC & EMEA, resulting in $4M+ in sales in less than 3 years.
βœ“ Trained 12+ distributors across whole of SEA, India, Australia, China + more.
βœ“ Speaks fluent English, Chinese & Japanese.
Sales Representative πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Managing a contact lens territory worth Β£1M which she increased by Β£100K in 1 year.
βœ“ Previously managed a surgical territory worth Β£1.9M across NHS & private channels.
βœ“ Managed a portfolio including: IOLs, Surgical Instruments, OCT, Digital Health, Contact Le...
International Sales & Distribution Manager πŸ“ United Arab Emirates
βœ“ Qualified Optometrist.
βœ“ Based in UAE & responsible for Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East & Northern Afri...
βœ“ Increased sales by 100% to $1.65M by increasing a distribution network from 35 to 80 partn...
International Commercial Director/General Manager πŸ“ Italy
βœ“ Recently launched an eyewear start up from €0M to €3.5M in less than 2 years.
βœ“ Previously started a new subsidiary resulting in increase in sales from €5M to €25M in rev...
βœ“ Previously hired and trained a team of 30 across sales, marketing, operations, finance, et...
Regional Sales Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for a regional US business worth $25M and a total headcount of 20 people.
βœ“ Previously responsible for global marketing, managing a budget of $500k.
βœ“ Created a partnership with another surgical company that secured a $12M contribution.
EU Regional Sales Manager πŸ“ Italy
βœ“ Previously responsible for €6.1M in sales revenue.
βœ“ Has managed over 20 distributors.
βœ“ Overachieved sales area budget with double-digit growth and a final revenue of over €5M.
European Marketing Manager πŸ“ France
βœ“ Launched over 50 ophthalmology products.
βœ“ Hired, managed & trained a small marketing team.
βœ“ Managed a marketing budget of €800K for a multimillion euro ophthalmic business.
Global Head of Manufacturing & Engineering πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Manages a total of €15M in OpEx & €60M in CapEx, used to build new factories & production...
βœ“ Increased manufacturing capacity by 60% and brought 2 new products to manufacturing.
βœ“ Responsible for doubling the team and managing a total headcount of 100+ people.
Sales/Account Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Was responsible for Β£500K in eyewear sales.
βœ“ Has grown a business from Β£200K to Β£1.2M in sales across 150 accounts.
βœ“ Not in the eyewear industry at the moment but would like to return to it.
Sales Representative πŸ“ California, United States
βœ“ Consistently overachieved her rx target including achieving 170% of goal in 2022.
βœ“ Reached number 1 in her region in 2019 and hit 103% to goal.
βœ“ Sold Glaucoma surgical device, dry eye, allergy & anti-infective drops.
Medical Affairs Director πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Responsible for a €2M medical affairs budget for a €1B retinal drug.
βœ“ Developed KOL strategy, Medical Evidence strategy, Medical Comms & Education for new retin...
βœ“ Qualified doctor of Dentistry & supported clinical trial sites & global accounts
Global Marketing Manager πŸ“ Paris, France
βœ“ Marketing for a global optometric & ophthalmic diagnostics business worth €30-50M.
βœ“ Expert in cross collaborative project management with Quality, R&D, Sales, M&A & distribut...
βœ“ Expert in telehealth AI.
Global General Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Grew an eyecare SaaS business from $1M to $5M in less than 2 years.
βœ“ Expanded the business from the US to 15 countries across Europe, Singapore, Japan & ANZ.
βœ“ Responsible for a contact lens business worth $240M and managed a team of 40 sales reps.
Clinical Affairs & Training Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsibly for clinical trial protocol for a retinal gene therapy across 10 trial sites.
βœ“ Responsible for hands on clinical training of the gene therapy.
βœ“ Designed a clinical training programme for a successful 510(k) submission.
Surgical Sales Representative πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Grew a territory worth $338K by 73% in less than 1 year.
βœ“ Previously covered a territory worth $1.3M.
βœ“ Participated in the launch of new surgical products.
Chief Operating Officer πŸ“ France
βœ“ Responsible for multiple manufacturing across Europe, Asia, LATAM & USA with 2000+ employe...
βœ“ OpEx responsibility over €200M+ for a business worth €1B.
βœ“ Based in Europe open to global relocation.
Global Marketing Director πŸ“ Switzerland
βœ“ Responsible for a €2M marketing budget for €3B ophthalmology retinal drug.
βœ“ 15 years' of experience in Pharmaceuticals.
βœ“ Experienced in integrating multi channel promotional strategies, including digital and soc...
Sales & Clinical Manager Nordics πŸ“ Norway
βœ“ Launched an ophthalmic surgical device resulting in €0 - €1.7M in 1 year.
βœ“ Launched an organisation in Norway, selling across Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Iceland.
βœ“ Speaks Norwegian, English, Swedish and Danish.
International Sales Manager πŸ“ Italy
βœ“ Grew sales from €2.5M to €4M in 2 years.
βœ“ Managed 25+ distributors across EMEA & APAC.
βœ“ Based in Italy and speaks Italian, English & Spanish
Territory/Account Manager Nordics πŸ“ Norway
βœ“ Launched an ophthalmic surgical device resulting in €0 - €1.7M in 1 year (22/23)
βœ“ Launched an organisation in Norway, selling across Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Iceland.
βœ“ Speaks Norwegian, English, Swedish and Danish.
Sales Account Manager πŸ“ Texas, United States
βœ“ Responsible for $1 million in sales which she increased by 43% in 2022.
βœ“ Managed and built a territory for 5 active accounts to over 40 in 6 years.
βœ“ Trained Dispensing Optician.
Senior Director of Marketing, Training & Education πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Was previously responsible for a marketing & education budget of $50-70M.
βœ“ Also experienced in start-ups, resulting in 50% revenue increase in less than 2 years.
βœ“ Managed a team of up to 10 commercial employees.
National Marketing Manager πŸ“ Florida , United States
βœ“ Responsible for a $5M YOY global marketing budget for a $25M business (+ 10% YOY)
βœ“ As US Sales Manager lead a team of 11 reps and distributors for a business worth $5M.
βœ“ Doubled sales across the US every year from 2017-2020.
Sales Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ As a territory manager increased sales by 121% in 2022.
βœ“ Previously built a sales team of 9 Sales Representatives for an ophthalmic surgical busine...
βœ“ Increased sales by $1.8M in 6 months, following a product launch.
Marketing Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for a marketing budget of Β£1.5M for a business worth Β£80M in sales.
βœ“ Managed a team of 3 marketing & 9 sales professionals.
βœ“ Won several NHS tenders & launched several new products successfully.
Business Development Manager πŸ“ Saxony, Germany
βœ“ Responsible for a team of 5 clinical application specialists for a business worth €7M.
βœ“ Previously managed €500K in personal sales.
βœ“ Qualified Optician.
Clinical Account Specialist πŸ“ Munich, Germany
βœ“ Responsible for a territory worth €1.6M in annual sales.
βœ“ Managed an ophthalmology rare disease business worth €2M.
βœ“ Educating & teaching KOL's to do genetic diagnosis
Sales Manager πŸ“ Hamburg, Germany
βœ“ Responsible for an IOL portfolio worth €500K.
βœ“ Responsible for over €5M in sales.
βœ“ Was a Clinical Trainer & helped develop a training platform.
National Business Development & Key Account Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Increased division sales by over 42% to $4.2M in 2 years.
βœ“ Won 55 direct accounts within the first year of launching an eyewear business in the US.
βœ“ Sold ophthalmic lenses and eyewear into optical chains and optical labs.
Managing Director / General Manager DACH πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Managed sales of €32M and grew them by €10M in 2 years
βœ“ Managed direct sales in DACH & added 20+ new international distributors.
βœ“ Managed a cross functional headcount of 100+ FTE's
Managing Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Responsible for a national turnover of Β£100M and 50 people.
βœ“ Grown independent optical business by 20% in 2 years.
βœ“ Managed an European marketing team with a Β£6M budget.
VP/Senior Director of Sales Ophthalmic Pharma πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for an annual revenue of $225M
βœ“ Management of a large headcount of 200 people
βœ“ Set the overall US pharma sales strategy for his company resulting in 20% YOY growth for s...
Sales & Clinical Application Specialist πŸ“ France
βœ“ Has personally sold up to €1.5M per year
βœ“ Previously managed a team of 6 sales representatives for a business worth €6M
βœ“ Qualified Optician
Surgical Sales Rep πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ 3 years experience in ophthalmic device sales with a further 10 years experience working i...
βœ“ Increased sales by €700K in 2 years
βœ“ Qualified Optometrist
Senior Commercial Director πŸ“ Spain
βœ“ Qualified Optometrist
βœ“ Business worth $100M which he has grown significantly
βœ“ Managed a headcount of up to 200 people
Global Head of Contact Lens Manufacturing πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Increased headcount from 250 people across 4 sites to 500 across 7 sites.
βœ“ Increased manufacturing capacity by 220% in 5 years
βœ“ Improved yields from 80% up to 95% in some sites
Senior Commercial Executive, USA - Ophthalmic Pharmaceuticals πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managed a headcount up to 110 FTEs and sales of $500M.
βœ“ Built a sales team from scratch to 4 district managers and 30+ reps, taking sales from $0-...
βœ“ Currently responsible for customer service and solutions for 50+ key accounts, ranging fro...
Sales Representative πŸ“ California, United States
βœ“ Consistently overachieved her rx target including achieving 170% of goal in 2022.
βœ“ Reached number 1 in her region in 2019 and hit 103% to goal.
βœ“ Sold Glaucoma surgical device, dry eye, allergy & anti-infective drops.
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialising in Medical Retina and Vitreoretinal surgery with experience in complex catara...
βœ“ Reduced waiting times for emergency patients with next day turnaround from consultation to...
βœ“ Delivering high levels of patient care with 32 patient consultations per day
US Clinical Operations & Training Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Oversaw 45+ ophthalmic clinics and surgical centres across several South Atlantic states
βœ“ Manages 27 direct reports and 100+ staff while managing to reduce staff turnover by 15%
βœ“ Increased premium IOL sales by over 75% across her clinics
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialising in Glaucoma with experience in complex Cataract surgeries for patients with g...
βœ“ Sees 40+ patients a day amongst a team of three Ophthalmologists delivering high levels of...
βœ“ Highly successful surgical outcomes with a rupture rate less than the national average for...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialising in glaucoma and complex cataract surgeries with nearly 5000 cataract surgerie...
βœ“ Also working as a research team lead leading clinical trials in ophthalmology and overseei...
βœ“ Published and peer-reviewed over 30 ophthalmology medical journals and won several researc...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialising in oculoplastics, cataracts, and medical retina services with main interest i...
βœ“ Performed round 1000 cataract surgeries to date with a rupture rate of 1% in 2020/2021
βœ“ Over 13 publications in medical journals
US based Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Committed to providing strong patient care with 85% patient satisfaction rate
βœ“ Medical lead managing 11 physicians in the ophthalmology unit reporting to him
βœ“ Experience with taking on operational responsibilities for all medical activities in the o...
Medical Ophthalmologist πŸ“ Ireland
βœ“ Experienced Medical Ophthalmologist with specialist interest in medical retina currently f...
βœ“ Previous experience working in a diabetic retinoscopy service and comfortable with highly...
βœ“ Purely focussing on consultations and minor surgeries including intravitreal injections
IP qualified Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ IP qualified and MECS accredited Optometrist seeing around 18 patients a day with 25-minut...
βœ“ Commercially aware with 63% conversion rate and average daily sales of Β£2750
βœ“ Supervised 6 Pre-reg Optometrists in the past with great success
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Soon to complete fellowship in Ocular Oncology and Retina after initially completing resid...
βœ“ Has a Phd in Ophthalmology and published over 60 medical papers and peer review journals
βœ“ Performed over 400 VR surgeries including complex retinal detachment and macular surgery
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Experienced with high volume minor operation sessions – IV injections and YAG Laser Clinic...
βœ“ A general ophthalmologist with specialist interest in medical retina and cataract surgery
βœ“ Competent with high volume cataract surgery with 18 surgeries on list per day
Optical Lab Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Currently a production manager for surfacing, finishing and quality control for an optical...
βœ“ Manages 7 employees, several of which he has hired, trained and promoted.
βœ“ Previously responsible for continuous improvement.
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialising in paediatric ophthalmology, oculoplastics, glaucoma, high volume cataract su...
βœ“ Published 4 medical publications and in the process of publishing a fifth whilst completin...
βœ“ Highly involved in the european ophthalmology community as a speaker in 15+ national and i...
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialising in glaucoma and cataract with experience working as a Clinical Governance Lea...
βœ“ Awarded the clinical excellence award in 2023 from one of the UK's NHS Hospitals
βœ“ Co-Director of glaucoma fellowship program for 6 years at one of the UK's NHS Hospitals
Regional Director of Operations πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Overseeing 7 ophthalmology clinics across the South eastern region with 150 employees
βœ“ Increased patient flow efficiency in physicians with an increase of 5 patients per day and...
βœ“ Experience with directing, supervising and coordinating the functions and activities of cl...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ An international qualified Ophthalmologist with 4 years’ experience in the NHS focusing on...
βœ“ Completing 12-14 consultations per session, 7 laser surgeries per session (typically aroun...
βœ“ Further experience with cataract surgeries abroad – 6 patients in a three hour session
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Seeing up to 16 patients a day and confident testing to minimum 20-minute test times
βœ“ Experience with laser assessments, pre/post of cataract assessments and general refraction
βœ“ Clinically aware hoping to go through Independent Prescribing course
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Experience working for both multiples and independents
βœ“ Competent testing to minimum 25 minutes with pre-screening and up to an hour in a more cli...
βœ“ Average conversion rate of 70% and dispense value of Β£80-Β£120 with a multiple practice
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ An international qualified Ophthalmologist with specialist interest in medical retina, cat...
βœ“ Performed 2500+ injections to date and 50 vitreoretinal surgeries and 110 cataract surgeri...
βœ“ Awarded distinction from 2021 International Council of Ophthalmology for the clinical opht...
Optometrist πŸ“ Ireland
βœ“ Experience working with advanced contact lens including scleral lenses, myopia management,...
βœ“ Commercially aware with current conversion rate of 68% and an average dispense value of €2...
βœ“ Experience with Pre/Post op Cataract Assessments and recommending treatment and drop optio...
Consultant Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Comprehensively trained Consultant Ophthalmologist sub-specializing in neuro-ophthalmology...
βœ“ Experience with cataracts as well completing over 600 cataract surgeries to date with a pc...
βœ“ Supervised junior trainees and supported Optometrists and Nurses o ensure the smooth and e...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Comfortably testing in 25 minutes seeing 18/19 patients per day
βœ“ Both commercially and clinically aware with an average conversion rate of 65% and an avera...
βœ“ Currently in the process of completing her Independent Prescribing qualification
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Specialist Refractive Optometrist currently in the process of completing the Independent P...
βœ“ Experience managing a team of up to 15 people in a practice dealing with customer/staff co...
βœ“ Commercially aware with current conversion rate of 70% and average daily clinic sales of Β£...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Experienced Optometrist with previous roles in multiples, independents and hospital enviro...
βœ“ Clinically aware with Phd and accreditations in glaucoma and pre/post op cataract assessme...
βœ“ Highly personable with experience working with clinically complicated and vulnerable patie...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Comfortable testing to 20/25 minutes seeing up to 19 patients per day
βœ“ Commercially aware with average conversion rate of 75%
βœ“ Clinically aware accredited in Medical Retina and keen to progress clinically and will be...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Hospital trained Optometrist comfortable with paediatric and adult refractions, pre and po...
βœ“ Clinically aware with accreditation in glaucoma and independent prescribing qualified
βœ“ Experience as a secondary Pre-reg Supervisor and teaching junior Doctors and Orthoptists h...
Multi-site Optical Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Managing the operations of 16 practices with over 250 ODs, Managers and associates includi...
βœ“ Increased patient satisfaction within clinics by 10% on top of the company average
βœ“ Helped to achieve $3.2million in sales for one of their stores
Ophthalmologist - Medical Retina Specialist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ An international qualified Ophthalmologist with completed fellowship in the US as a Medica...
βœ“ Competent with all responsibilities of a Medical Retina Specialist including lasers, iv in...
βœ“ Proficient in the use of ImageJ, Optos AVR grading, Optos Opto-annotator, Heyex 1 and 2, O...
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Experienced with conducting pre-operative consultations and post-operative care for refrac...
βœ“ Clinically aware with a license to work as an Optometric Glaucoma Specialist, Misight and...
βœ“ Competent performing light treatments and lock-ins for patients with Light Adjustable IOLs
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previous owner and Optometrist with over 20 years of in practice experience both testing p...
βœ“ Competent testing to 20 minutes seeing from 10 – 25 patients a day
βœ“ Alongside comprehensive eye exams, also experienced with the management and treatment of g...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Currently working at a patient focussed independent practice with 40-minute test times and...
βœ“ Competent in performing challenging refractions including tests involving high cylinders,...
βœ“ Clinically aware with higher professional certification in medical retina and hoya miyosma...
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previous Ophthalmic Technician with five years of experience and current Student Optometri...
βœ“ Proficient with providing comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fittings and pre/post op c...
βœ“ Proficient in visual fields testing, refractometry, tonometry (tono-pen and handheld Goldm...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Arab Emirates
βœ“ DHA licensed Optometrist with almost three months’ experience looking for new opportunitie...
βœ“ Qualified internationally in India with a masters in Optometry
βœ“ Proficient testing to 15/20 minutes seeing up to 10 patients a day but has experience with...
Clinical and Surgical Operations Director πŸ“ United States
βœ“ In her most recent role, oversaw the operations and smooth running of 7 clinics and 2 surg...
βœ“ Has managed 300+ employees and involved in the recruitment and onboarding of physicians an...
βœ“ Contributed to the increase of conversions of consultation to elective surgeries and turna...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Experienced Ophthalmologist specialising in Medical Retina with almost 10 years’ experienc...
βœ“ Proficient in all aspects of Medical Retina including laser and intravitreal injection cli...
βœ“ Involved in 10+ publications and presentations in retina research
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Experienced Ophthalmologist specialising in general ophthalmology and high-volume cataract...
βœ“ Seeing from 25-50 patients a day depending on the clinic working with lasers, premium and...
βœ“ This year has completed 600 cataract surgeries with a pcr rate of below 1%
Director of Operations πŸ“ Chicago, United States
βœ“ Oversaw the operations and smooth running of clinics whilst managing a team of over 75 emp...
βœ“ Contributing to the expansion of one to three facilities across different locations and de...
βœ“ Helped to increase revenue by a minimum of 10% through devising improvement strategies for...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Over 10 years’ experience working as a consultant with the NHS
βœ“ Experienced Ophthalmologist specialising in oculoplastic, glaucoma, and cataract surgeries...
βœ“ Proficient with high volume cataract surgeries seeing 8 per list and a pcr rate of 0.36%
NHS Partnerships and Clinic Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Building NHS contracts with multiples and independent practices across 7 different locatio...
βœ“ Involved in the hiring, onboarding, and training of new staff including service staff, opt...
βœ“ Increased revenue by 30% in one of her clinics through improving sales techniques, exceedi...
Managing Director πŸ“ Spain
βœ“ Overseeing all processes and operations including marketing, business development, and log...
βœ“ Managing €60 million in turnover across the group
βœ“ Expanded business to South America from scratch increasing to 50 stores over the span of a...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Glaucoma and Cataract specialist post CCT available to take on additional weekend work or...
βœ“ Proficient with minimally invasive glaucoma surgery and combined cataract and glaucoma sur...
βœ“ Achieved PCR rate of 0% in the last 6 months
Head of Operations πŸ“ France
βœ“ Managing the operations of 20+ optical stores and 100+ employees which he helped to grow f...
βœ“ Managing €34 million in turnover across all franchises
βœ“ Increased revenue by 13% through training retail staff in upselling and introducing new pr...
VP of Operations πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Previously managed $100M in sales revenue, which he grew from $80M through improving perfo...
βœ“ Oversaw a total headcount of 200+ employees
βœ“ Responsible for 2 new practice acquisitions including onboarding for a seamless transition...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ Greece
βœ“ Glaucoma and Cataract specialist with 5 years of experience working as a Consultant in the...
βœ“ Proficient with complex cataract surgeries seeing up to 8 per list but keen to take on hig...
βœ“ Post capsular rupture rate of below 1%
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Proficient with pre/post operative assessments for cornea, cataract, and refractive surger...
βœ“ Typically seeing up to 25 patients a day with a Scribe for comprehensive eye tests and up...
βœ“ Keen to develop her skills with contact lens work and have greater exposure to paediatric...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Vitreo-retinal surgeon with experience with complex cataract surgeries seeing 6/7 per list
βœ“ PCR rate of 1.29% but mainly treating complex eyes referred from other Consultants or post...
βœ“ Teaches cataract surgery to junior trainees during independent cataract lists
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Commercially aware Optometrist with current conversion rate of 65% and average sales of Β£1...
βœ“ Keen to develop her clinical skills with accreditation in Medical Retina and looking to co...
βœ“ Experience working as a secondary supervisor for Pre-reg Optometrists at a fast paced mult...
Optometrist πŸ“ Aberdeen, United Kingdom
βœ“ Qualified for almost 6 years with 4 years’ experience working as a qualified Optometrist i...
βœ“ Proficient with standard eye tests of 25 minutes an contact lens checks with experience ma...
βœ“ Assisted in procedures such as intravitreal injections and botox for strabismus
Business Development Manager πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Previous Optometrist with both independents and multiples, doing routine eye examinations...
βœ“ Managing relationships with 20+ embassies and doubled number of international patients thr...
βœ“ Overseeing the relationship between stakeholders and international clients to ensure high...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Specialising in cataract surgeries using Femto and Nano laser with around 600 surgeries co...
βœ“ In theatre one day a week, seeing from 15 – 20 patients a day
βœ“ Has some exposure to refractive surgery doing some ICL implantations but keen to develop h...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Qualified since August 2023 with a multiple seeking new full time work opportunities
βœ“ Accredited in post-op cataract checks with strong commercial awareness and high conversion...
βœ“ Competent with standard eye exams of 25 minutes and contact lens aftercare and fittings
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Qualified 15+ years with a fast paced multiple with experience as a secondary and primary...
βœ“ Commercially aware with average conversion of 68% and average sales per dispense of Β£110
βœ“ Clinically focused with accreditations in Medical Retina, MECS, WOPEC Cataract, and Myopia...
US Marketing Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Responsible for almost $3M in marketing budget and increased paid marketing campaign ROI f...
βœ“ Increased premium IOL sales through marketing campaigns by up to 20%
βœ“ Brought several outsourced marketing functions in house by hiring four specialist internal...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Qualified since March 2024 with a fast paced multiple seeing up to 20 patients a day in 25...
βœ“ Commercially aware with current conversion of 65% and average sales per dispense of Β£180
βœ“ Competent with contact lens aftercare and fittings, in the process of completing WOPEC cou...
VP Commercial & Operations, Germany πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Expert in business development, marketing, and operations, currently managing a team of 10...
βœ“ €30M revenue responsibility with an average increase of 15% YoY
βœ“ Increased sales conversion from 35% - 60%
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Ophthalmologist specialising in general ophthalmology and oculoplastics with 5 years’ expe...
βœ“ Responsible for emergency patients including eye lid trauma and stitching but keen to deve...
βœ“ Seeing up to 26 patients per day in addition to emergency patients
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Comprehensive Ophthalmologist with two years’ experience following fellowship also special...
βœ“ Seeing from 45-50 patients a day with one day a week dedicated to working in theatre, oper...
βœ“ Posterior Capsule Rupture rate of 0.5%
Operations and Commercial Director πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Building NHS contracts with multiples and independent practices across 7 different locatio...
βœ“ Involved in the hiring, onboarding, and training of new staff including service staff, opt...
βœ“ Increased revenue by 30% in one of her clinics through improving sales techniques, exceedi...
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Over 10 years’ experience working as a consultant with the NHS
βœ“ Experienced Ophthalmologist specialising in oculoplastic, glaucoma, and cataract surgeries...
βœ“ Proficient with high volume cataract surgeries seeing 8 per list and a pcr rate of 0.36%
Commercial and Operations Executive πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Overseeing the sales and expansion of a leading optical group of 100 stores and 700 employ...
βœ“ Expanded operations in locations across Germany and Austria from 712 to 880 through acquis...
βœ“ Reduced costs by €10s million through contract management and introducing cost saving meas...
Clinical Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ IP qualified Optometrist with over 10 years’ experience working in both clinical hospital...
βœ“ Experience working in both medical retina and laser clinics with YAG laser and pre/post op...
βœ“ Accredited in MECS, glaucoma, and has the highest certification in medical retina
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Highly personable Optometrist of over 3 years seeking part time opportunities with a multi...
βœ“ Testing to 30 minutes, typically seeing up to 13 patients a day and demonstrating high lev...
βœ“ Commercially aware with average conversion rate of above 60%
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Performed over 500 cataract surgeries per year including premium lenses with a post capsul...
βœ“ Some experience with medical glaucoma, retina, cornea and minor oculoplastic procedures in...
βœ“ Published 10+ medical articles
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Over 7 years’ experience in the optical field with most recent 1.5 years as a qualified Op...
βœ“ Commercially aware Optometrist with an average conversion rate of 70%
βœ“ Proficient testing to 20 minutes, seeing up to 18 patients a day including contact lens ap...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Proficient testing to 30 minutes, seeing up to 14 patients a day
βœ“ Clinically aware Optometrist with MECS accreditation and keen to develop her clinical skil...
βœ“ Average conversion rate of 60%
Optometrist πŸ“ Germany
βœ“ Clinical Optometrist with 7 years’ experience in the eyecare industry offering pre/post op...
βœ“ Typically seeing up to 25 patients a day
βœ“ Proficient in using a slit lamp, pentacam, and OCT
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Clinical Optometrist prepping care plans and conducting pre/post op assessments for refrac...
βœ“ Overseeing admin and operations in the clinic including booking patients in to the schedul...
βœ“ Previously worked in both multiple and independents managing contact lens patients as well...
Optical Operations Manager πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Supporting the retail operations of 220+ optical stores in a $2M revenue business
βœ“ Overseeing re-modelling of new stores, compliance and procurement, and vendor relations
βœ“ Implemented strategies such as upgrades, coatings and second-pair sales to optimise profit...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Clinically minded Optometrist with over 20 years of experience seeking a full time role
βœ“ MECS, Medical Retina, and Myopia Management accredited
βœ“ Keen to build on his clinical skills with aspirations to complete the second level or medi...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Highly personable Optometrist confident with 25 minute testing
βœ“ Typically seeing up to 22 patients a day including contact lens aftercare and fittings app...
βœ“ Keen to build on his clinical skills with aspirations to complete the IP qualification in...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Clinically minded Optometrist 6 years of experience seeking a role within ophthalmology or...
βœ“ Currently in the process of getting his IP qualification and first glaucoma accreditation
βœ“ Confident testing to 25 minutes with an average conversion rate of 58%
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Clinically minded Optometrist with 3 years of experience seeking a part time role with no...
βœ“ Accredited in glaucoma and medical retina with aspirations to complete the IP qualificatio...
βœ“ Experience with routine eye tests, pre/post cataract assessments, glaucoma readings, and d...
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Highly personable OD experienced with routine eye examinations and contact lens work inclu...
βœ“ Competent dealing with medical glaucoma patients
βœ“ Standard test times of 25 minutes seeing up to 20 patients per day
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Highly personable Optometrist keen to develop his clinical skills within a hospital/indepe...
βœ“ Seeing up to 22 patients a day with 20/25 minute test times
βœ“ Commercially aware with average conversion rate of 65%
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Clinically minded Optometrist with over 10 years of experience seeking a full time role
βœ“ Accredited in Pre/Post of assessments for cataract surgeries, minor eye conditions, and gl...
βœ“ Currently testing to 25 minute test times with an average conversion rate of 60%
Ophthalmologist πŸ“ Madrid, Spain
βœ“ Oculoplastic and Cataract specialist after completing residency in 2023
βœ“ Completed over 400 cataract phacoemulsification cases over a five-year period
βœ“ Experience with oculoplastic procedures in eyelids, tear ducts, and orbit including minor...
Optometrist πŸ“ United Kingdom
βœ“ Clinically minded Optometrist with experience working at multiples, independents, and opht...
βœ“ Proficient with routine eye tests, pre/post op assessments for laser and cataract surgery,...
βœ“ Keen to develop her clinical skills and complete the IP qualification in future
Optometrist πŸ“ United States
βœ“ Highly personable Optometrist with experience working at both OD and MD/OD private and cor...
βœ“ Proficient with comprehensive eye exams as well as diabetic eye exams, and pre/post op ass...
βœ“ Experience with advanced contact lens work included scleral lenses and orthokeratology

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