Our Candidates
If you are interested in any of the candidates in our database, please click on their individual links or contact us to find out more.

Global Product Manager π Netherlands
β Responsible for surgical equipment (cataract/VR) portfolio worth β¬70M, alongside β¬75M for...
β Launched several new products including software, surgical instruments and collaborated wi...
β Gather, analyse and interpret clinical data to develop product improvements across: custom...

Product / Marketing Manager π United States
β Responsible for marketing, communications and medical across the US, Canada & LATAM.
β Developed and launched a successful global digital clinical platform to support surgeons a...
β Responsible a marketing budget of $500K+ for a businesses with revenues of $20M - $150M.

Global Sales & Marketing Director π Spain
β Grew sales from β¬27M to β¬84M in 10 years across hospitals, optical retail, e-commerce and...
β Oversaw a global market with 120 distributors across Europe, US, LATAM, Asia, MEA and open...
β Lead a team of 50 people across commercial functions.

European Commercial Director π United Kingdom
β Currently managing an international eyewear business worth Β£85M in turnover, which has inc...
β Also managing a team of 9 direct reports across sales and marketing, as well as an indirec...
β Previously managed an eyewear organisation across Northern Europe worth Β£20M+ as well as t...

General Manager, Americas π United States
β Responsible for a portfolio including ophthalmic and optometric diagnostics and consumable...
β Restructured distribution channels in Canada and LATAM after a merger, which generated $30...
β Responsible for $50M in revenue and a $9M profit with a team of 90 people.

Manufacturing General Manager π United States
β Managed a headcount of 250 employees, including hiring 35 new staff while reducing attriti...
β Ran an optical lab with 6k jobs per day including lens cutting edging finishing and assemb...
β Is a master at Six Sigma Blackbelt which he used to achieve 85% labour efficiently improve...

Vice President of Manufacturing & Operations π United States
β Oversaw operations for 8 manufacturing sites, optical labs and distribution centres for a...
β Managed 9 site GMs and a total headcount of 500 β 1,000 employees.
β Reduced spoilage from 6% to under 3% in 3 months and increased profitability by 13% YOY.

Global Commercial & Operations Director π Netherlands
β Grew the business to $5.3M in revenue by adding 12 new distributors across North America,...
β Leading teams of up to 16 employees across Commercial, Marketing, Customer Service, Produc...
β Qualified optometrist with 10 years of experience in practise.

General Manager France & Commercial Director Europe π France
β Managed a β¬3M sales portfolio and led a team of 8, while establishing a new Business Unit...
β Oversaw and grew a β¬3.5M contact lens business by 30% in 2023.
β Directed sales across more than 10 countries, including Romania, Bulgaria, Scandinavia, Ru...

Global Marketing Director π Switzerland
β Achieved a revenue increase from β¬6M to β¬37M within 13 years across wholesale, retail, fra...
β Managed a marketing budget of β¬1.8M and a team of 20 marketeers and e-commerce profession...
β Led the expansion into the US and Mexican markets by opening multiple new stores.

Asia/Pacific Eyewear Sales Manager π Hong Kong
β Responsible for β¬50M in eyewear sales across 1,200 optical stores and handling many of the...
β Managing a team of 17 sales reps across 12 countries including China, Australia, Japan, Ta...
β Increased their direct distribution from 2 to 10 boutique stores.

US Director of Sales π United States
β Responsible for $90M P&L, including $75M surgical revenue and $15M OPEX budget.
β Managing sales operations for the entire US, consisting of 30+ direct reports.
β Created a partnership with another surgical company that secured a $12M contribution over...

Eyewear Sales Representative π United States
β Built her eyewear territory (NM, TX, CO, AZ, NV) from $250K to $550K in 2 years and won pr...
β Previously sold $2.5M worth of lenses in 1 year, alongside training clients teams on how t...
β Grew the store from $0 to $1.5M within 8 years, while managing 8 employees.

International Education & Training Director π United Kingdom
β Developed and delivered over 40 training programs, including an eLearning platform, succes...
β Responsible for developing training / upskilling programmes for workforces across Europe,...
β Previously held regional sales manager role leading a team of 10 sales reps in Poland mana...

Sales Director for Inside / Telephone Sales Teams π United States
β Managed a team of 50 FTEs for an ecommerce / online contact lens sales division.
β Increased online sales by $41M in one year by helping Optoms stay connected with their pat...
β As Global Training Director, developed and implemented a comprehensive training curriculum...

Clinical Application & Sales Rep π United States
β Certified ophthalmic technician with 10+ years of clinical experience in ophthalmic practi...
β As a clinical applications specialist she was responsible for training surgeons and their...
β Grew sales of ophthalmic diagnostics from $785K to over $5M in 4 years.

International Business Development Manager π United Kingdom
β Previously managed a network of 20-30 distributors across the US, Canada, South America, U...
β Consistently drove YOY sales growth by 23-25%, growing revenue from Β£80M to Β£220M.
β Responsible for several international contact lens product launches as well as training an...

National Sales & Account Manager π United Kingdom
β Managed national contact lens sales of Β£6M with a team of 10 salespeople, many of which he...
β Won major branded and private label business with Vision Express, Specsavers, Boots and Ne...
β Previously managed a network of 20-30 distributors across the US, Europe, South America, R...

Sales Representative π United States
β Currently selling ophthalmic pharma products and is ranked top 5% in the company with $6.2...
β Previously sold ophthalmic diagnostics to over $1.5M per year.
β My contact has an excellent KOL network across account including Houston Eye Associates, B...

Sales Director π United States
β Has managed a team of 15+ people including direct sales team for the US, an international...
β Responsible for a $60M ophthalmic diagnostic business where he achieved double digit growt...
β Working with 150+ distributors across Europe, Middle East, APAC, LATAM.

Vice President of R&D and Procurement π Germany
β Responsible for a β¬40M R&D budget for a business worth over β¬1B in which he has been respo...
β Managing 200 R&D reports across sites in Australia, Germany, China, India & Mexico.
β For procurement he managed a β¬600M spending budget, which was used for purchasing negotiat...

Clinical Affairs & Medical Marketing Manager π Germany
β Currently responsible for 12 clinical trials across Europe, Middle East and LATAM for IOLβ...
β Manages 4 CRAβs and CRO partners with a clinical affairs budget between β¬500k - β¬1.5M per...
β Responsible for medical marketing using post market studies and evidence generation and ha...

Global Vice President of Sales & Marketing π Germany
β Directed a team of over 1,000 employees, overseeing regional Vice Presidents along with VP...
β Managed β¬550M in revenue, driving a 9% increase in sales and 12% EBITDA.
β Led the development and successful launch of a new myopia product.

Territory Manager π United States
β Currently manages a southern California territory selling a diagnostic device into optomet...
β Sold $500K in contact lenses and dry eye products and finished in the top 10% of reps in t...
β Has also managed a territory of $10M for an optical distributor which she increased by 9.8...

Clinical Affairs & Medical Director π United States
β Qualified ophthalmologist (retina specialist) who has practised for over 10 years and has...
β Responsible for phase III trials for a retina drug with over 1,500 patients across 300 glo...
β Is an expert on AI diagnosis of retinal imaging.

Sales & Marketing Manager Nordics π Sweden
β Responsible for a Nordic business worth β¬50M in sales (+10% YOY growth), with a team of 6...
β Successfully launched a new lens which was sold in 600+ practises within 3 months.
β Has also been a European marketing manager with responsibility for a β¬1M marketing budget...

Commercial & Operations Board Level Executive π United States
β As CEO, managed 80+ employees across sales, service, marketing, operations, logistics, sup...
β Responsible for $80M+ in global sales and achieved record double digit 12.4% profit growth...
β Launched 2 new products within the first year with 5 new products to the R&D pipeline.

Clinical Affairs Manager π United Kingdom
β Responsible for projects across regulatory, CMS, data management, safety management and in...
β Experience managing multiple clinical studies across, EU & Latin America with up to 45 sit...
β Experience conducting clinical trials for Glaucoma & Retinal diseases

Global Regulatory Affairs Manager π Germany
β Expert in CE Mark, FDA, NMPA, MDSAP, MFDS, INMETRO registrations and approvals across 80 c...
β Managed a RA budget of β¬600k and a team of 4 RA specialists.
β Conducted registrations for Class I, Class IIA, Class IIB & Class III medical devices.

Vice President Sales & Operations / US General Manager π United States
β Running a team of 5 people including sales, service, marketing, RA and operations, alongsi...
β Responsible for a business worth $40M, including managing the integration of a new company...
β Experienced in a portfolio including: OCT, Auto Refractors, Edgers & Finishes, Slit Lamps.

Global Head of Product Management π United Kingdom
β Achieved 11% sales growth YoY for total sales of Β£60M in less than 2 years.
β Managed and built a team of 4 direct reports, one of which was US based.
β Experience in a portfolio including: Digital solutions, slit lamps, ocular tools, eye ultr...

International Sales, Marketing / Business Development Manager π Switzerland
β Managing β¬9M in international sales revenue which she has increased by over $3M.
β Responsible for 9 large distributors across LATAM, Russia, Middle East, North Africa & Asi...
β As marketing/brand manager, managed a luxury eyewear portfolio worth β¬40M in revenue.

Commercial Director France π France
β Responsible for French ophthalmic business worth β¬130M (8% YOY growth).
β Managing a total headcount of 60 peoples across sales, market access, launch readiness, op...
β Also has international leadership experience across Eastern Europe, Russia & MEA.

Eyewear Marketing Director EMEA π France
β Currently managing a trade marketing budget worth over β¬10M for an eyewear business worth...
β Responsible for managing marketing teams of 10+ people, across DACH, Iberia, Italy & Franc...
β Involved in the successful product launch of several luxury eyewear brands.

Clinical Optometrist π United States
β Sees on average 16-20 patients per day in an optical clinic where she uses OCTs, visual fi...
β Experience in glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, working alongside surgeons.
β Previously a clinical director at a LASIK clinic where she oversaw daily operations and co...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Made around Β£1million in sales for a store in a year and has a conversion rate of 70-80%.
β Previously a personal development tutor in her store where she tutored pre-registration op...
β Experience in conditions such as macular degeneration, dry eyes, and glaucoma.

Medical & Clinical Director π United States
β CEO for his own company where he grew the revenue of the business from 0 to 3 million a ye...
β Has 11 physicians directly reporting to him and leads a multidisciplinary team.
β Responsible for the operations and direction for all medical activities in the organisatio...

Tele-Optometrist π United States
β Overachieves targets by seeing 190+ patients a week and is licenced in 27 states.
β Awarded optometrist of the month for the highest patient retention and satisfaction.
β Experience in diagnosing macular degeneration, YAG laser capsulotomy, and suture removals...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Experience as a senior refractive optometrist doing pre and post ops for laser eye surgery...
β Involvement in preparing for surgery, using dilating drops, and marking where incisions ar...
β Sees 18-20 patients a day testing at 25 minutes in optical chains, using phoropters, oct s...

Optometrist π United States
β Specialises in scleral and gas permeable lenses for management of anterior segment disease...
β Involved in myopia management, dry eye management, and orthokeratology.
β Experience in managing and treating glaucoma, macular degeneration, and corneal dystrophie...

Practice Integrations & Operations Director π United States
β Integrated and onboarded 9 new ophthalmology practices including 27 providers and 235 staf...
β Successfully directed two $1million+ new clinic sites and was responsible for budgets and...
β Experience in executing post-merger synergy plans alongside operational due diligence.

UK General Manager, European Commercial Executive π United Kingdom
β Recently grew an optical lab and optical group from Β£900K to Β£1.3M in 1 year.
β Previously responsible for Β£700M in sales, a total headcount of 500+ people and a network...
β Has also grew a contact lenses business from Β£900K to Β£2.4M in less than 2 years.

Optometrist π United States
β Experience in full binocular vision exams and patients with brain injuries causing visual...
β Can identify macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetes and provides low visi...
β Conducts home visits for eyecare to those who are unable to attend the clinic.

Marketing Manager π United Kingdom
β Manages a marketing team of up to 6 people for a private ophthalmology group.
β Responsible for a marketing budget of over Β£750k which she utilised, achieving a new enqui...
β Achieved an 18% ROI on advertising spend in 2023 and grew web traffic for refractive surge...

Operations Director π United States
β Experience overseeing 250+ staff in 8 ophthalmic clinics with revenues of $40+ million.
β Implemented schedule optimisation which increased refractive revenue by 30% in 2 years.
β Reduced overall expenses by 22% after doing a complete financial analysis of each practice...

Optical Store Director & qualified optometrist π United Kingdom
β Part owner of an optical store with an annual turnover of over Β£3 million and 30 direct re...
β WOPEC assessor and Pre-Reg Academy facilitator, helping individuals achieve goals.
β Turned around several underperforming stores and recently transformed a non-profitable opt...

Director of Sales & Marketing π United States
β Manages teams of 10+ sales & marketing staff across 3 cataract/refractive clinics.
β Increased patient conversion rate from 50% to 70% (+20% sales growth)
β Increased leads and patient flow using marketing techniques: rebranding, digital & print m...

Clinical Operations & Training Director π United States
β Oversaw 45+ ophthalmic clinics and surgical centres across several South Atlantic states.
β Manages 27 direct reports and 100+ staff while managing to reduce staff turnover by 15%.
β Increased premium IOL sales by over 75% across her clinics.

International Marketing Director π France
β Responsible for delivering a 70% increase revenue in direct markets within 2 years.
β Previously managed a β¬2.4M marketing budget for a business worth β¬160M in revenue, along w...
β Covered the following regions for direct & indirect sales: EMEA, US, Latin America & Asia.

UK General Manager, European Commercial Executive π United Kingdom
β Recently grew an optical lab and optician group from Β£900K to Β£1.3M in 1 year.
β Previously responsible for Β£700M in sales, a total headcount of 500+ people and a network...
β Has also grew a contact lenses business from Β£900K to Β£2.4M in less than 2 years.

Principle Scientist Ophthalmology π United States
β Served as Principle Investigator and co-investigator for six IRB approved clinical ophthal...
β Currently leading the design and optimization of an artificial cornea project, which has p...
β Managed 3 to 4 direct reports on various projects.

Executive Sales & Strategic Accounts Director π United States
β Responsible for overseeing a sales portfolio of $200M.
β Achieved an 11% growth rate, attaining a performance level of 105% against the yearly targ...
β Previously responsible for managing 8 direct reports and over 100 sales representatives.

Nordics Sales Director π Denmark
β Currently managing a contact lens business in the Nordic region worth over $55 million.
β Managing a team of 18 including sales representatives, KAMβs and sales managerβs.
β Previously managed digital projects and e-commerce for a contact lens business.

LATAM Sales & Marketing Director π Brazil
β Responsible for starting a Brazilian, Colombian, Mexican & Argentinian subsidiaries.
β Responsible for 14 distributors across central America, south America, Spain & Portugal.
β Previously managed a business of $5M USD and currently grown a business from $1M USD to $4...

Sales Representative π United Kingdom
β Managing a contact lens territory worth Β£1M which she increased by Β£100K in 1 year.
β Previously managed a surgical territory worth Β£1.9M across NHS & private channels.
β Managed a portfolio including: IOLs, Surgical Instruments, OCT, Digital Health, Contact Le...

International Commercial Director/General Manager π Italy
β Recently launched an eyewear start up from β¬0M to β¬3.5M in less than 2 years.
β Previously started a new subsidiary resulting in increase in sales from β¬5M to β¬25M in rev...
β Previously hired and trained a team of 30 across sales, marketing, operations, finance, et...

Global Head of Manufacturing & Engineering π Germany
β Manages a total of β¬15M in OpEx & β¬60M in CapEx, used to build new factories & production...
β Increased manufacturing capacity by 60% and brought 2 new products to manufacturing.
β Responsible for doubling the team and managing a total headcount of 100+ people.

Medical Affairs Director π Switzerland
β Responsible for a β¬2M medical affairs budget for a β¬1B retinal drug.
β Developed KOL strategy, Medical Evidence strategy, Medical Comms & Education for new retin...
β Qualified doctor of Dentistry & supported clinical trial sites & global accounts

National Business Development & Key Account Manager π United States
β Increased division sales by over 42% to $4.2M in 2 years.
β Won 55 direct accounts within the first year of launching an eyewear business in the US.
β Sold ophthalmic lenses and eyewear into optical chains and optical labs.

Senior Commercial Executive, USA - Ophthalmic Pharmaceuticals π United States
β Managed a headcount up to 110 FTEs and sales of $500M.
β Built a sales team from scratch to 4 district managers and 30+ reps, taking sales from $0-...
β Currently responsible for customer service and solutions for 50+ key accounts, ranging fro...

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β Specialising in Medical Retina and Vitreoretinal surgery with experience in complex catara...
β Reduced waiting times for emergency patients with next day turnaround from consultation to...
β Delivering high levels of patient care with 32 patient consultations per day

US Clinical Operations & Training Director π United States
β Oversaw 45+ ophthalmic clinics and surgical centres across several South Atlantic states
β Manages 27 direct reports and 100+ staff while managing to reduce staff turnover by 15%
β Increased premium IOL sales by over 75% across her clinics

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β Specialising in Glaucoma with experience in complex Cataract surgeries for patients with g...
β Sees 40+ patients a day amongst a team of three Ophthalmologists delivering high levels of...
β Highly successful surgical outcomes with a rupture rate less than the national average for...

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β Specialising in glaucoma and complex cataract surgeries with nearly 5000 cataract surgerie...
β Also working as a research team lead leading clinical trials in ophthalmology and overseei...
β Published and peer-reviewed over 30 ophthalmology medical journals and won several researc...

US based Ophthalmologist π United States
β Committed to providing strong patient care with 85% patient satisfaction rate
β Medical lead managing 11 physicians in the ophthalmology unit reporting to him
β Experience with taking on operational responsibilities for all medical activities in the o...

Medical Ophthalmologist π Ireland
β Experienced Medical Ophthalmologist with specialist interest in medical retina currently f...
β Previous experience working in a diabetic retinoscopy service and comfortable with highly...
β Purely focussing on consultations and minor surgeries including intravitreal injections

Ophthalmologist π United States
β Soon to complete fellowship in Ocular Oncology and Retina after initially completing resid...
β Has a Phd in Ophthalmology and published over 60 medical papers and peer review journals
β Performed over 400 VR surgeries including complex retinal detachment and macular surgery

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β Experienced with high volume minor operation sessions β IV injections and YAG Laser Clinic...
β A general ophthalmologist with specialist interest in medical retina and cataract surgery
β Competent with high volume cataract surgery with 18 surgeries on list per day

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon π United Kingdom
β Specialising in paediatric ophthalmology, oculoplastics, glaucoma, high volume cataract su...
β Published 4 medical publications and in the process of publishing a fifth whilst completin...
β Highly involved in the european ophthalmology community as a speaker in 15+ national and i...

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon π United Kingdom
β Specialising in glaucoma and cataract with experience working as a Clinical Governance Lea...
β Awarded the clinical excellence award in 2023 from one of the UK's NHS Hospitals
β Co-Director of glaucoma fellowship program for 6 years at one of the UK's NHS Hospitals

Regional Director of Operations π United States
β Overseeing 7 ophthalmology clinics across the South eastern region with 150 employees
β Increased patient flow efficiency in physicians with an increase of 5 patients per day and...
β Experience with directing, supervising and coordinating the functions and activities of cl...

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β An international qualified Ophthalmologist with 4 yearsβ experience in the NHS focusing on...
β Completing 12-14 consultations per session, 7 laser surgeries per session (typically aroun...
β Further experience with cataract surgeries abroad β 6 patients in a three hour session

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β An international qualified Ophthalmologist with specialist interest in medical retina, cat...
β Performed 2500+ injections to date and 50 vitreoretinal surgeries and 110 cataract surgeri...
β Awarded distinction from 2021 International Council of Ophthalmology for the clinical opht...

Optometrist π Ireland
β Experience working with advanced contact lens including scleral lenses, myopia management,...
β Commercially aware with current conversion rate of 68% and an average dispense value of β¬2...
β Experience with Pre/Post op Cataract Assessments and recommending treatment and drop optio...

Consultant Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β Comprehensively trained Consultant Ophthalmologist sub-specializing in neuro-ophthalmology...
β Experience with cataracts as well completing over 600 cataract surgeries to date with a pc...
β Supervised junior trainees and supported Optometrists and Nurses o ensure the smooth and e...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Specialist Refractive Optometrist currently in the process of completing the Independent P...
β Experience managing a team of up to 15 people in a practice dealing with customer/staff co...
β Commercially aware with current conversion rate of 70% and average daily clinic sales of Β£...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Experienced Optometrist with previous roles in multiples, independents and hospital enviro...
β Clinically aware with Phd and accreditations in glaucoma and pre/post op cataract assessme...
β Highly personable with experience working with clinically complicated and vulnerable patie...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Hospital trained Optometrist comfortable with paediatric and adult refractions, pre and po...
β Clinically aware with accreditation in glaucoma and independent prescribing qualified
β Experience as a secondary Pre-reg Supervisor and teaching junior Doctors and Orthoptists h...

Ophthalmologist - Medical Retina Specialist π United States
β An international qualified Ophthalmologist with completed fellowship in the US as a Medica...
β Competent with all responsibilities of a Medical Retina Specialist including lasers, iv in...
β Proficient in the use of ImageJ, Optos AVR grading, Optos Opto-annotator, Heyex 1 and 2, O...

Optometrist π United States
β Experienced with conducting pre-operative consultations and post-operative care for refrac...
β Clinically aware with a license to work as an Optometric Glaucoma Specialist, Misight and...
β Competent performing light treatments and lock-ins for patients with Light Adjustable IOLs

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Currently working at a patient focussed independent practice with 40-minute test times and...
β Competent in performing challenging refractions including tests involving high cylinders,...
β Clinically aware with higher professional certification in medical retina and hoya miyosma...

Optometrist π United States
β Previous Ophthalmic Technician with five years of experience and current Student Optometri...
β Proficient with providing comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fittings and pre/post op c...
β Proficient in visual fields testing, refractometry, tonometry (tono-pen and handheld Goldm...

Optometrist π United Arab Emirates
β DHA licensed Optometrist with almost three monthsβ experience looking for new opportunitie...
β Qualified internationally in India with a masters in Optometry
β Proficient testing to 15/20 minutes seeing up to 10 patients a day but has experience with...

Clinical and Surgical Operations Director π United States
β In her most recent role, oversaw the operations and smooth running of 7 clinics and 2 surg...
β Has managed 300+ employees and involved in the recruitment and onboarding of physicians an...
β Contributed to the increase of conversions of consultation to elective surgeries and turna...

Ophthalmologist π United States
β Experienced Ophthalmologist specialising in Medical Retina with almost 10 yearsβ experienc...
β Proficient in all aspects of Medical Retina including laser and intravitreal injection cli...
β Involved in 10+ publications and presentations in retina research

Ophthalmologist π United States
β Experienced Ophthalmologist specialising in general ophthalmology and high-volume cataract...
β Seeing from 25-50 patients a day depending on the clinic working with lasers, premium and...
β This year has completed 600 cataract surgeries with a pcr rate of below 1%

Director of Operations π Chicago, United States
β Oversaw the operations and smooth running of clinics whilst managing a team of over 75 emp...
β Contributing to the expansion of one to three facilities across different locations and de...
β Helped to increase revenue by a minimum of 10% through devising improvement strategies for...

NHS Partnerships and Clinic Director π United Kingdom
β Building NHS contracts with multiples and independent practices across 7 different locatio...
β Involved in the hiring, onboarding, and training of new staff including service staff, opt...
β Increased revenue by 30% in one of her clinics through improving sales techniques, exceedi...

Optometrist π United States
β Proficient with pre/post operative assessments for cornea, cataract, and refractive surger...
β Typically seeing up to 25 patients a day with a Scribe for comprehensive eye tests and up...
β Keen to develop her skills with contact lens work and have greater exposure to paediatric...

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β Vitreo-retinal surgeon with experience with complex cataract surgeries seeing 6/7 per list
β PCR rate of 1.29% but mainly treating complex eyes referred from other Consultants or post...
β Teaches cataract surgery to junior trainees during independent cataract lists

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Commercially aware Optometrist with current conversion rate of 65% and average sales of Β£1...
β Keen to develop her clinical skills with accreditation in Medical Retina and looking to co...
β Experience working as a secondary supervisor for Pre-reg Optometrists at a fast paced mult...

Optometrist π Aberdeen, United Kingdom
β Qualified for almost 6 years with 4 yearsβ experience working as a qualified Optometrist i...
β Proficient with standard eye tests of 25 minutes an contact lens checks with experience ma...
β Assisted in procedures such as intravitreal injections and botox for strabismus

Business Development Manager π United Kingdom
β Previous Optometrist with both independents and multiples, doing routine eye examinations...
β Managing relationships with 20+ embassies and doubled number of international patients thr...
β Overseeing the relationship between stakeholders and international clients to ensure high...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Qualified since August 2023 with a multiple seeking new full time work opportunities
β Accredited in post-op cataract checks with strong commercial awareness and high conversion...
β Competent with standard eye exams of 25 minutes and contact lens aftercare and fittings

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Qualified 15+ years with a fast paced multiple with experience as a secondary and primary...
β Commercially aware with average conversion of 68% and average sales per dispense of Β£110
β Clinically focused with accreditations in Medical Retina, MECS, WOPEC Cataract, and Myopia...

US Marketing Manager π United States
β Responsible for almost $3M in marketing budget and increased paid marketing campaign ROI f...
β Increased premium IOL sales through marketing campaigns by up to 20%
β Brought several outsourced marketing functions in house by hiring four specialist internal...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Qualified since March 2024 with a fast paced multiple seeing up to 20 patients a day in 25...
β Commercially aware with current conversion of 65% and average sales per dispense of Β£180
β Competent with contact lens aftercare and fittings, in the process of completing WOPEC cou...

Ophthalmologist π United Kingdom
β Ophthalmologist specialising in general ophthalmology and oculoplastics with 5 yearsβ expe...
β Responsible for emergency patients including eye lid trauma and stitching but keen to deve...
β Seeing up to 26 patients per day in addition to emergency patients

Operations and Commercial Director π United Kingdom
β Building NHS contracts with multiples and independent practices across 7 different locatio...
β Involved in the hiring, onboarding, and training of new staff including service staff, opt...
β Increased revenue by 30% in one of her clinics through improving sales techniques, exceedi...

Commercial and Operations Executive π Germany
β Overseeing the sales and expansion of a leading optical group of 100 stores and 700 employ...
β Expanded operations in locations across Germany and Austria from 712 to 880 through acquis...
β Reduced costs by β¬10s million through contract management and introducing cost saving meas...

Clinical Optometrist π United Kingdom
β IP qualified Optometrist with over 10 yearsβ experience working in both clinical hospital...
β Experience working in both medical retina and laser clinics with YAG laser and pre/post op...
β Accredited in MECS, glaucoma, and has the highest certification in medical retina

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Over 7 yearsβ experience in the optical field with most recent 1.5 years as a qualified Op...
β Commercially aware Optometrist with an average conversion rate of 70%
β Proficient testing to 20 minutes, seeing up to 18 patients a day including contact lens ap...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Clinical Optometrist prepping care plans and conducting pre/post op assessments for refrac...
β Overseeing admin and operations in the clinic including booking patients in to the schedul...
β Previously worked in both multiple and independents managing contact lens patients as well...

Optical Operations Manager π United States
β Supporting the retail operations of 220+ optical stores in a $2M revenue business
β Overseeing re-modelling of new stores, compliance and procurement, and vendor relations
β Implemented strategies such as upgrades, coatings and second-pair sales to optimise profit...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Clinically minded Optometrist with 3 years of experience seeking a part time role with no...
β Accredited in glaucoma and medical retina with aspirations to complete the IP qualificatio...
β Experience with routine eye tests, pre/post cataract assessments, glaucoma readings, and d...

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Clinically minded Optometrist with over 10 years of experience seeking a full time role
β Accredited in Pre/Post of assessments for cataract surgeries, minor eye conditions, and gl...
β Currently testing to 25 minute test times with an average conversion rate of 60%

Optometrist π United Kingdom
β Clinically minded Optometrist with experience working at multiples, independents, and opht...
β Proficient with routine eye tests, pre/post op assessments for laser and cataract surgery,...
β Keen to develop her clinical skills and complete the IP qualification in future

Optometrist π United States
β Highly personable Optometrist with experience working at both OD and MD/OD private and cor...
β Proficient with comprehensive eye exams as well as diabetic eye exams, and pre/post op ass...
β Experience with advanced contact lens work included scleral lenses and orthokeratology
Ready for a chat?
Get in touch with a member of our team, weβre looking forward to hearing from you soon.
+44 (0) 113490 0340β
Vision Executives