How To Write A CV For Eyecare Every eyecare specialist, such as optometrists, ophthalmologists, and...
When you're starting your job search, writing an all-singing all-dancing CV is paramount to ensure you're making a great first impression to those who will be receiving your CV, whether that be a potential employer or a recruiter. Prior to initial introductions, most employers and recruitment consultants will request a copy of your CV so it's a great way to promote yourself in the best positive light before shining at an interview!
Here are my top tips for writing a great CV that will get you to the first interview:
Before we start, ensuring that your CV is concise and puts you in the best possible light. From a design standpoint, having a simple design that allows you to contain enough information, without being overbearing. We recommend using a professional design that gives you space to break up the sections of information so that its an easy-read and employers / recruiters can find the relevant information in a timely manner. Being specific and also providing the right information is crucial to getting you to an interview so we usually recommend around 2 pages is more than enough.
It might sound obvious, but something I've come across so many times. Include your full name, contact details and professional title at the top of the CV. When it comes to a job search, it's important that employers and your recruiter are able to reach you in ample time, especially in the current job market. It might be worthwhile adding your LinkedIn profile to this section too.
2. Personal Profile
Your personal profile is the space you'll use to introduce yourself and highlight your key skills. This should be located near the top of your CV to show off your skills and for you to essentially "sell yourself". Employers will be looking for buzz words to emphasise your key skills and personality traits, especially those that will positively benefit their organisation, so be mindful to keep your skills relevant to the roles you're applying for (as long as you're competent with said skills). Use this space to make a great first impression, so be yourself in a positive and professional manner.
3. History & Experience
Your previous work history and experience will take up the most of your CV so we recommend working chronologically. When it comes to discussing the roles you have worked within, it's essential for you to talk about the role you played within the organisation, without diverting to discuss the organisation themselves (you're not selling them!). This is a great space to talk about:
- your roles and responsibilities
- your achievements
Using quantitative facts and figures here is a great way to exemplify the added benefit you could make to another organisation.
4. Education
Don't forget to include your credentials and any additional qualifications you have received in this section. You can also include any training and courses that you have been on here that might be relevant to any future employment.
5. Additional Sectors
If you have enough space on your CV, it could be useful to add a section including bullet pointed key skills. You can also include your hobbies & interests if you should wish to do so. When it comes to references, we recommend mentioning that they are "available on request" rather than straight upfront.
When it comes to putting your CV together, it can be beneficial to include headings and bullet points to put your information in the most readable and concise manner. Splitting up different sections makes it simple for the person on the other end to find the information they're seeking in the easiest way. There's nothing worse than reeling through pages and pages of information and spending extra time searching for simple information that could've been written in a much shorter fashion. One of my most important tips is - don't forget to proof read!! This is essential to ensure there's no mistakes. Send to friends & family and ask them to check through also!
Hopefully these top tips will help you to write a brilliant CV. However, if you're finding it a little challenging, get in touch with our eyecare & CV writing experts for a personalised CV that will no doubt get you in front of your future employer! For more info - get in touch!